

Salbutamol firstly appeared on the market in the 1960s and was approved by the USA FDA in 1982. It first appeared as brand Ventolin and nowadays can be found as numerous other brands too. Nowadays, Salbutamol is considered one of the most important medicines required in the basic health system. That’s because Salbutamol is known to help asthma sufferers to make their breathing easier. It releases bronchospasms in COPD and asthma. Therefore is on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) List of Essential drugs.

But Salbutamol sold as brand Ventolin or whatever other is also used off label. The product is used off label by bodybuilders and athletes to help them lose weight. Salbutamol is best known as a fat loss and performance increasing product.

What is Salbutamol?


Buy Salbutamol Here

Salbutamol is the name of the active ingredient. You may also find Salbutamol being called Albuterol. The same substance is called differently. Either Salbutamol or Albuterol. Both are the same thing. This substance can be found in numerous brand names, as earlier mentioned. Ventolin is the most popular one.

Salbutamol / Albuterol is in the family of adrenergic bronchodilators. Same as Clenbuterol. They are known as stimulants and asthma drugs (since they are adrenergic bronchodilators). These are medicines that help to make breathing easier. The bronchial tubes in the lungs are getting relaxed and the intake of air flow is increased.

Salbutamol in Bodybuilding

The compound is working as a beta 2 agonist and therefore is working on your Central Nervous System (CNS). Medically it is used for the purpose of asthma and breathing disorders mostly. But due to its properties, the drug has been found very effective in improving performance and physical appearance.

That’s because Salbutamol / Albuterol is offering numerous benefits. It increases performance by boosting energy levels, stamina, and endurance. Improves physical appearance as it is known to greatly enhance fat burning processes and aid weight loss.

  • The product stimulates fat cells, increases lipolysis, decreases appetite, and greatly boosts basal metabolic rate (metabolism) alongside an increase in body temperature. There are many other processes too.


When a user is having a proper training regimen alongside a healthy and proper diet, Albuterol would greatly help boost the fat loss processes. It drastically improves athletic performance and physical outlook.

Salbutamol vs Clenbuterol

These 2 products are in the same class of drugs. They are both orally active stimulants working in very similar ways. Both Salbutamol and Clenbuterol are known to have the same mechanism of action. With this being said, the products are offering the same benefits and same side effects.

However, they are still 2 different products. Clenbuterol is a much more powerful product compared to Salbutamol. It offers more benefits but is very likely to offer more side effects too. Salbutamol has a shorter half life (3-6 hours) than Clenbuterol (36-48 hours) either.

Salbutamol Dosing


Usually, bodybuilders and athletes use Salbutamol in the form of tablets only. There are other versions of administering the product, but tablets are the most popular version.

Salbutamol dosing for asthma issues is determined by the prescribing doctor. Salbutamol dosing for physique and performance enhancement is at least one tablet a day. But this is a very mild dosage, that’s why most people go for 3 tablets a day. Usually, one tablet comes in 4 mg dosing. That means that a good starting dosage is 4-12 mg a day. Some people may up to 16-20 mg a day. Professionals attempt higher doses too.

Buy Salbutamol Here

Is important to keep in mind that similarly to Clenbuterol, the product is getting ineffective after a while. So it is best to use the 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off method. Or to constantly increase the dosage. But do not increase too much because stimulant related side effects can be really bad.

Salbutamol Side Effects


As mentioned, the side effects of Salbutamol are pretty much the same as Clenbuterol and most other stimulants out there. However, side effects from Salbutamol won’t be as bad as with Clenbuterol. They are less likely to occur and milder. But do not assume that it is side effects free!

Check some examples of Salbutamol side effects below:

  • Insomnia or other sleep issues
  • Headaches
  • Tremors (shaking hands and body)
  • Changes in behavior
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart issues
  • Anxiety
  • Flushing
  • Other side effects are possible too!


Buy Salbutamol for sale from to ensure the maximum quality of this product. It can be an amazing alternative to Clenbuterol. With its help, you can reach your fat loss goals much easier!


Zoltan Pharmaceuticals was the company that created Oxymetholone. This was back in the 1960s and the compound is best known by its brand Anadrol. Is also called Anadrol 50; A50; Abombs and is sold as numerous other brands too. This pharma company doesn’t exist anymore, but Oxymetholone is still widely used.

The anabolic and androgenic steroid was given for a lot of different health conditions as a prescription drug. Nowadays it is still used for many medical purposes.

However, Anadrol (Oxymetholone) is very widely used among bodybuilders.

What is Anadrol 50 – Oxymetholone?

Anadrol 50 is the most popular brand of active substance Oxymetholone. There may be many other brands you can find too. Oxymetholone is derived from Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) exactly as Winstrol (Stanozolol); Primobolan (Methenolone); Anavar (Oxandrolone) and others.

However, Anadrol (Oxymetholone) is very different from them. You cannot get lean on it. This is because although it cannot aromatize into estrogen (as all other DHT derivatives), Oxymetholone upregulates estrogen receptors. That’s why Oxymetholone is still going to cause estrogen related effects.


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Due to the chemical structural change, Anadrol ended as one of the best oral bulking steroids.

With everything mentioned earlier, Anadrol is not very popular for cutting cycles. But it is an amazing bulking steroid.

Anadrol vs Dianabol

Very often these 2 steroids are compared. Because they are both known to come as tablets and both are used for bulking cycles. That’s because they may seem to offer similar results (benefits and side effects).

Nonetheless, they are different oral steroids and Anadrol is twice as powerful as Dianabol. Searching for maximum power, strength, and muscle mass growth Anadrol may be a better option. But beginners and those who want drier muscles go for Dianabol.

Dianabol is overall safer than Anadrol. That’s why Dianabol is more popular than Anadrol in the first place.

  • That’s why only very serious bulkers with experience on steroids (and Dianabol first) may go to Anadrol steroids.


Oxymetholone Side Effects – Anadrol 50

The side effects of Oxymetholone, as mentioned, are similar to those of Dianabol. However, they are more likely to occur and are harsher.

For example, Anadrol 50 is more hepatotoxic so liver damage is very likely to occur. Add liver protection during the use of Anadrol.

In addition to that, estrogenic side effects cannot be controlled with Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) as they can be with Dianabol. That’s because Anadrol directly binds to estrogen receptors. It doesn’t increase estrogen through aromatization. So, you can’t really control estrogen issues except for gynecomastia (can be controlled with Nolvadex).

Testosterone suppression is another adverse effect of Oxymetholone, as with any other steroid.

Here’s the list of common Anadrol side effects:

  • Water retention
  • Bloated face
  • High blood pressure
  • Gynecomastia
  • Acne
  • Liver issues
  • Testosterone suppression
  • Headaches
  • Lower back pumps
  • Muscle cramps

This is not the full list of Anadrol side effects – these are only some examples.

Anadrol Dosage and Administration

Anadrol steroid comes as tablets. There is an injectable version but is heavily unpopular without advantages over pills. The compound is mostly used twice daily, but many people choose to use it once a day before their workout.

Women are not very recommended to use Anadrol as they have much better options. But if they do 10 mg a day is the absolute maximum they can go for.

Anadrol dosage for men ranges between 25 mg a day (for beginners) and 100 mg a day (for professionals). Most commonly is 50 mg daily.

Most commonly is stacked with bulking steroids like Testosterone, Deca Durabolin, and others.


Anadrol Cycle

You shouldn’t ever run an Anadrol cycle longer than 8 weeks. Beginners are recommended to start at 4 weeks only. But most people use it for 4-6 weeks. Mostly due to liver issues that are likely to occur when using Anadrol (Oxymetholone) for prolonged periods and/or in higher doses.

As mentioned, the Anadrol cycle is almost always a bulking cycle and is always stacked with bulking steroids.

Here’s an Anadrol cycle example:



Oxymetholone commonly known as Anadrol 50 is a very powerful bulking steroid. It can help discover your full bulking potential. However, Anadrol steroid is very powerful, so only use it after having experience with other steroids first.

Buy Anadrol 50 (Oxymetholone) for sale from We offer the best quality brands for low prices.

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Equipoise or shortly EQ is a compound that is often used in veterinary settings. It has no medical purposes for humans, nonetheless, lots of people still use it. Why? Because this is an extremely effective anabolic steroid for growing muscle mass.

Equipoise is popular because it is effective while remaining fairly safe. Is considered one of the best steroids when thinking about its effectiveness vs side effects ratio.

What is Equipoise?


Equipoise is the brand name of the product that was invented to be used in the horses and cattle industry. This is an androgenic and anabolic steroid (AAS) coming as a very oily solution meant to be injected. The active substance in Equipoise (EQ) is Boldenone with the attached ester Undecylenate.

There is Boldenone Acetate and Boldenone Enanthate – but these are extremely unpopular compounds. In fact, searching for them you’re very likely to get a bunk. That’s why you can consider there’s only Boldenone Undecylenate as brand Equipoise. There are other brands, of course, Equipoise is just the first and most popular one.

Buy Equipoise Here

This injectable anabolic and androgenic steroid has an anabolic to androgenic rating of 100:50 and active life of 14-16 days. Therefore, it can be used only once weekly. In addition to that, Equipoise doesn’t aromatize too much (aromatizes less than Testosterone).

That’s why Equipoise is seen as a steroid that is capable of offering amazing lean muscle mass gains without offering too nasty androgenic or estrogenic side effects. Due to its very long half life – can be used less often, but the gains won’t be seen overnight.

In short, Equipoise offers slow but steady quality gains without nasty side effects. When used properly.

  • PS: On paper, boldenone is the same methandienone (Dianabol). Of course, the big difference is in the fact that Boldenone has Undecylenate ester attached making it injectable and Dianabol is C17aa making it oral. This made them slightly different (anabolic and androgenic activity, aromatization, etc.)

Equipoise Side Effects


You may have noticed that it was mentioned a few times that Boldenone Undecylenate (EQ) is mild in side effects. However, you shouldn’t assume it is side effects free. Is just milder compared to other steroids. But as with any other compound out there – it does offer some side effects.

Equipoise is mild in androgenic and estrogenic activity (aromatization). Nonetheless, it still possesses some, that’s why you might get some of them. Like any other steroid – it may have negative effects on cholesterol and cardiovascular health. And is suppressing testosterone production.

Another Equipoise side effect may increase appetite. But that’s only if you’re trying to cut with it. Of course, eating more while cutting isn’t a good idea. But for those who try to bulk with Boldenone – this is a great effect.

  • Yes, EQ can be used for both bulking and cutting.

Boldenone Undecylenate is mostly notorious for causing acne / oily skin issues. If you’re prone to such issues – you better have anti acne lotions and creams handy. Use them when you start using EQ on the face, chest, shoulders, and back.

Equipoise Dosage


The dosage of Equipoise is highly dependent on the goals, personal response as well as experience.

  • For example, beginners shouldn’t go over doses of 400 mg weekly. The same applies to those who are trying to cut with Equipoise.
  • Nonetheless, people with more experience and who try to bulk up with EQ may use 600 mg weekly.
  • Those with more experience can increase to 800 mg or even 1,000 mg weekly.

However, remember that Boldenone Undecylenate requires around 3-4 weeks to fully kick in. Do not expect you would see immense gains in this period. That’s why cycle lengths with Equipoise are rarely less than 10 weeks.

Buy Equipoise – Boldenone Here

Women are not recommended EQ because it has too long elimination half life. But if they do use it, stay within the range of 25-50 mg per week.

Equipoise Cycle

Talking about the Equipoise cycle, as said, rarely less than 10 weeks (8 weeks is minimal) and most commonly 12-14 weeks or even 16 weeks.

Equipoise stacks well with any given steroid of your choice. Of course, it goes without saying that it stacks well Testosterone in all cycles. But it can be stacked with other injectable or oral steroids. Bulking or cutting anabolic steroids.

Equipoise with Testosterone 300 mg per week for 10 weeks both may work well for cutting. Both EQ with Test 600 mg per week for 12-14 weeks may work well for bulking. Dianabol can be added for bulking, Winstrol for cutting.



Is important to remember that EQ is a powerful steroid and although it is mild – side effects are possible. Also, remember that EQ gains are not occurring almost overnight as with Dianabol.

If you want an effective product to grow lean muscle mass and gain strength steadily – Equipoise is perfect. Buy Boldenone for sale from Here you get maximum quality compounds for the best prices.

Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone)


If talking about the strongest Androgenic and Anabolic Steroids (AAS) on the market then Halotestin is definitely at the top. This is most likely by far one of the most powerful compounds used in fitness circles. And is most likely the most powerful steroid you’re ever going to find.

What is Halotestin?

Halotestin is the brand name of the substance Fluoxymesterone. Is very often called shortly by many bodybuilders as Halo. Nonetheless, this substance (which is a steroid) can be found as numerous other brand names. Halotestin (Halo), however, is the most popular one.


This is regarded as one of the most powerful steroids due to its numbers on paper.

  • It displays an anabolic activity almost 20 times more than that of testosterone. The androgenic activity is almost 10 times more than that of testosterone.

And yeah, at the top of everything – Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone) is coming as oral pills. This is a testosterone derived product. However, it doesn’t convert into estrogen as most other testosterone derivatives do.

Buy Halotestin Here

Fluoxymesterone (which was marketed as Halotestin) was discovered in the 1950s. It was and is still used in medical settings. This anabolic steroid is used for the treatment of low testosterone levels in men, breast cancer in women as well as delayed puberty in boys. It was proven very effective at treating anemia too.

Halotestin Steroid in Bodybuilding

In bodybuilding, Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) is a popular compound when an individual needs to enhance strength levels. Due to its amazing abilities to increase strength, it is a famous steroid among strongmen and powerlifters. But bodybuilders benefit from its cutting and hardening effects.

Is important to remember that although it displays such an amazing anabolic rating on the paper, Halo is not as effective at growing muscle mass as other steroids. Part of the reason could be because it doesn’t convert into estrogen. Nonetheless, this is an amazing cutting steroid.

The anabolic steroid is a popular finisher in cycles before a contest to display an amazing hardening effect. It offers water free gains and an extremely dry appearance.


Fluoxymesterone – Halotestin Results

Due to everything earlier mentioned, this compound is just amazing at helping you to increase strength and get a dry appearance.

Halotestin results may not be as great at gaining muscle mass as other steroids would. Nonetheless, the results from this anabolic steroid are amazing in terms of displaying an extremely hard appearance that’s all dry with amazing muscle definition. Other than that, Halo would greatly help you increase your strength levels too.

Halotestin is causing the red blood cell count to increase a lot and very rapidly. While this is helpful for physique and performance enhancement purposes – it can be detrimental if not taken care of properly.

One more thing to mention – Halotestin is increasing aggression and drive. While that’s helpful when working out – aggression should be controlled outside the gym. If not it could result in nasty outcomes.

Is very important to remember that Halotestin side effects can be bad if not controlled. This is an extremely liver toxic oral steroid. You need to carefully watch your liver health.

Plus, it may interfere with your cardiovascular system. So high blood pressure is possible too.

Due to extremely high androgenic activity – women are at extremely high risk of virilizing side effects and men should watch out for androgen related issues too.


Halotestin Dosage

To play it safe, I would recommend starting the Fluoxymesterone dosage at 10 mg a day. Slowly increase to 20 mg a day if needed.

Only if you have enough experience you can go to 30 mg or even 40 mg daily. But never exceed the Halotestin dosage of 40 mg daily.

Because it is very liver toxic, the Halotestin cycle of 6 weeks is absolutely maximum. But I would say that 4-5 weeks is enough for most people.

Men shouldn’t use anything to damage the liver with Halo and women shouldn’t use Halotestin at all.

Halotestin is often stacked with cutting injectable compounds like Primo and Masteron. Of course, it stacks well with Testosterone.

Example of Halotestin Cycle


  1. Start First Week with 10 mg Halotestin a day
  2. Second Week 20 mg Halotestin per day
  3. Week 3: 30 mg/day Halotestin
  4. Week 4: 30 mg Halotestin per day

Add some testosterone based compounds with it. Some Masteron or Primo would work well too.

Liver protection is extremely important during the Halotestin cycle. Generally, Fluoxymesterone is a unique steroid. You need to know why you need it in the first place and how to properly use it.

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Buy Steroids Online


Those bodybuilders who want to increase muscle mass over their genetic limits or those who want to achieve muscle building results way faster resort to anabolic steroids. These compounds are known to be extremely effective when talking about physique and performance enhancement.

Is a well known fact that hormones are playing an extremely important role in the muscle building processes (as well as lots of others) and a steroid is a synthetic (laboratory made) hormone. This means that when a steroid is given to the body, it works as a hormone. The reason these “synthetic hormones” – steroids are called Anabolic and Androgenic is because they are known to promote anabolism (growth of muscles) and boost male sex characteristics.

So, anabolic and androgenic steroids are extremely helpful when talking about physique and performance enhancement purposes. They can help gain muscle mass, increase strength levels, burn body fat and generally enhance the performance of a person while helping display a much appealing body with a dry effect (more muscles and less fat).


However, anabolic steroids are banned and they cannot be purchased legally without a prescription. That’s why those people who want to use them for growing muscles need to buy steroids online. There are a lot of sources that are offering steroids online without a prescription but the problem is that you can get “scammed”.

Avoid Scammers When Buying Steroids Online

Unfortunately, a lot of sources are trying to make a profit from an unsuspecting buyer selling them low quality products, under dosed ones, substandard quality compounds or not selling the actual compound at all (or, even worse, nothing at all – sending money and not receiving anything).

In the end, it is extremely important to make sure that when you buy steroids online – you get the exact same compound that you paid for, in the best quality.

That’s why we recommend doing business with us, as we’re a source that guarantees your satisfaction.

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You will buy anabolic steroids for sale at the lowest prices on the market. We are working with manufacturers that are GMP accredited and we offer the cheapest prices on the market for steroids and their ancillaries.

Brands that you can buy from us include:

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Keep in mind that this list might be changed with time. We may start working with other companies that are proven to produce high quality products. Or we may remove others that either stop activity or we have doubts about the quality of their products.

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Except for the fact that you can buy steroids online for sale from this site as well as many other helpful compounds such as weight loss compounds and PCT products, you can also get lots of other compounds that are very often used alongside anabolic steroids such as:

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We all know that anabolic steroids can be extremely effective for the purpose of physique and performance enhancement. Specifically, when talking about growth of muscle mass, gaining strength and reducing body fat with an overall improvement in performance and athletic abilities.

Is not uncommon for a huge muscular guy to be thought of administering anabolic steroids. And the ugly truth is – in most cases that’s true. Steroids have a lot of different benefits when talking about growing muscles and packing on size. But the problem is that they cannot be purchased in your local drugstore or pharmacy.

Indeed, sometimes anabolic steroids are prescribed by doctors to patients suffering from health conditions. Yet, you won’t ever get a prescription for them for the purpose of physique and performance enhancement.



With this being said, those who are searching for them would need to buy anabolic steroid online.

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Luckily, since you’re reading this article, you found the perfect place to buy anabolic steroids online. We are a store that ensures you would get the best quality anabolic steroids for sale. At the best price on the market too.

Here you would find a lot of different anabolic steroids and all their ancillaries. People with experience know that running anabolic steroids often requires you to run many other compounds. Ancillaries may be used before, during, or after the use of steroids.

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Quality Assurance

So, you can find all your needs here. But at the same time, you make sure you would get the best quality products available on the market. That’s because we’re working with those manufacturers of anabolic steroids that are GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) accredited.

This is an accreditation given to those manufacturers that are making sure the products contain exactly what is written on the bottle. And those products are made of the best quality.

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The prices are the lowest for each brand here. That’s because we believe these compounds should be affordable to everyone. You can notice that the same product may be offered at different prices. That’s due to different prices given by the manufacturer which we cannot control.

Nonetheless, from our end as a source – we make sure that you would get the lowest price for every product. Lower compared to other sources for the same product in the same amount from the same brand. So, save money if you buy steroids for sale.

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With everything earlier mentioned, you can greatly benefit if you choose to buy anabolic steroids from this site. Besides that, we also ensure the best customer support team that is ready to help with whatever needs and questions you may have regarding steroids. About how to use, or how to buy anabolic steroid online. We also ensure fastest delivery.

In short, we are trying our best so you would be of maximum quality if you choose to buy anabolic steroids online directly from this site.

Anabolic Steroid Uses

Those people who use anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are going to increase muscle strength and power way more than their natural limit is. Plus, they greatly help speed up the gaining process too.

Check the difference between steroid use vs natural below.


Anabolic means that it boosts the growth and androgenic is referring to the development of male sex characteristics. Steroid means a synthetic (laboratory-made) version of the hormone.

Steroids are artificial forms of testosterone and they are capable of affecting the body in many different ways. There are lots of different steroids with different results and people will get different outcomes out of their use depending on many different factors.

That’s why we highly recommend our customers to carefully read about each anabolic steroid or whatever other substance they are planning to put in their bodies. That’s very important before actually doing so in order to know what to expect. Is extremely important to have a read about the dosage, the benefits, side effects, etc. about each anabolic steroid.

Only after acquiring enough knowledge on how to properly run anabolic steroids, can you start the process to buy anabolic steroid online. You need to know exactly what you need, what to expect and how to run each compound in the perfect way in order to get the expected results.

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Testosterone Cypionate Injection Dosage

Testosterone Cypionate is an anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS) that should be administered in form of injection. All other versions of Testosterone are coming in form of injection. Despite the fact that there are some other methods to administer Testosterone such as orals, creams and others – none of them is even close as effective (and safe in side effects) as testosterone used as injection.Testoxyl-Cypionate-250-2vials-e1554379655127

There are other versions of Testosterone injection except for Testosterone Cypionate such as: Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Enanthate and others.

These are the 3 most popular versions of Testosterone and Cypionate is considered the longest one. That’s why it requires least administration frequency and would offer maximum stable blood levels which is a big advantage, which is why is so popular and widely used both in medical settings (used as a first line treatment in case of hypogonadism in men) and in bodybuilding world (used both by absolute beginners to AAS as well as absolute professionals who use them for years).

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Testosterone Cypionate is a long based compound offering a half life of about 12-14 days. That’s longer compared to Enanthate with half life of 7-10 days and especially Propionate with half life of 1-3 days.

That’s why you can use Testosterone Cypionate injection once or maximum twice per week to maintain maximum stable blood levels and this would offer great results.

  • Lastly, Testosterone Cypionate dosage is anywhere in the range of 200 mg and 1000 mg per week. Most people would use doses around 500 mg weekly. Higher doses would be too much in side effects, lower ones might not offer needed results.


Testosterone Cypionate Injection Dosage

This drug is increasing testosterone levels very efficiently but it requires a while to reach peak blood system – about 4-6 weeks. That’s why cycle lengths are usually long with Testosterone Cypionate – around 10-12 weeks is minimum to finish one cycle. But there are people who are running it for as long as 14 and even 16-18 weeks.

As mentioned, dosages are used anywhere between 200mg and 1000mg per week.

Testosterone Cypionate Injection is usually coming in doses of 200mg or about 250mg per mL. If you are running 250 mg per mL and you plan to use 250 mg per week and want maximum blood levels using it twice a week then use half a mL one day (125 mg) and the other half another day (125mg) for example on Monday and on Thursday.

The injections are intramuscular and we warn you to often change the injection site in order to avoid irritation and pains at the injection site.

  • Beginners Testosterone Cypionate injection dosage is around 200-400 mg per week.
  • Advanced user Testosterone Cypionate injection dosage is around 500-750 mg per week.
  • Professionals adjust the dosage of Testosterone Cypionate injection upon their experience, but usually that around 750 mg weekly.

When Testosterone Cypionate dosage is properly run, it offers mind blowing results. Also, depending on your needs, very often the compound is stacked alongside other anabolic steroids that are going to offer even more results. But in the same time, we need to warn you that by increasing the dosage of the compound, you’re also increasing the risks chances of receiving negative side effects. Make sure that you’re going to use this product properly, otherwise you might be disappointed (pretty much as with any other compound).


Testosterone Cypionate dosage is simply increasing your testosterone levels.

Injecting this hormone won’t do anything else than just offering your body way higher levels of test – your body starts working accordingly. That’s why is so important to make sure that you won’t be using too much of it as the body can’t handle too much of the hormone, or not to use too little Testosterone Cypionate injection dosage, or you would be disappointed since you won’t get too much results.

In the end, is very important to run only best quality compound to make sure that it will work well for your needs. Buy Testosterone Cypionate injection for sale directly on our site, we’re an anabolic steroid source that is working with best manufacturers of AAS ensuring everything you buy, is exactly what you receive.

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Testosterone Enanthate Dosage

You might already know that Testosterone Enanthate is perhaps the most popular testosterone version but you might not know how to properly use it and that’s why is so important to learn about Testosterone Enanthate dosage and administration.

Knowing the dosage that you require of this compound (and any other) is only half way through your learning about administration. Cycle length and how to properly administer the anabolic agent is very important either.

Today, we would share some valuable information about Testosterone Enanthate dosage so you could know how to safely use the compound in an attempt to increase your testosterone levels risk-free.

Testorox-E250-Zzerox-pharmaceuticals-e1568366392368 But, before we continue, is important for you to know that Testosterone Enanthate dosage highly depends on why exactly you need the compound. There are other factors except for your goals determining the dosage you need such as: your age, gender, current T levels, tolerance to the compound, size, whether or not other compounds are added and which ones exactly and others.

You would find here general information about this, hopefully it will help.

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Testosterone Enanthate Dosage and Administration for TRT

For dealing with low testosterone levels, some of the most common Testosterone Enanthate dosage is ranged between 100 and 200 mg administered every 7-10 days. Nonetheless, this is a “common dosage” for treating TRT, yet there are still doctors that may prescribe a bit higher dosages, or lower dosages such as 50-75 mg every 7-10 days. It depends on the Test levels of the individual.

  • Is very important to administer it according to your own needs, that’s why you need to know and listen to your own body. It will tell you which dosage works best for you. What is good for one person, might not be good for another.

Usually, Testosterone Enanthate is administered every 2-4 weeks for those suffering from a low testosterone condition. This depends on how you respond to the compound. However, some doctors may give the compound to their patients every 5 days. As said, this depends on multiple factors.

The duration of the treatment is indefinite also depending from a person to another. It can be as long as a life time.

Testosterone Enanthate Dosage for Bodybuilders and Athletes

Testosterone Enanthate dosage for physique and performance enhancement is usually ranged between 200 mg and 1000 mg per week. Is not unheard of people using higher dosages, but that’s rarely done because of high risks of negative side effects.

The dosage depends on your level of experience, size and many other factors earlier mentioned.

A very common range that bodybuilders and athletes are using testosterone enanthate is between 200 and 500 mg per week. This range is very common because is enough to combat natural testosterone suppression that may be caused by the use of other anabolic steroids.

Usually, absolute beginners start anywhere between 200-400 mg per week, whilst people with a bit of experience inject anywhere between 400-500 mg per week because this dosage is considered by many in fitness industry to be great for receiving maximum anabolic benefits.

  • Testosterone Enanthate dosage of 500 mg per week or under is having low chances of offering the user negative side effects and even if they do occur, they are easy to be controlled.

Most commonly, such dosages are split into 2 equal doses administered evenly apart throughout the week for a total weekly dose.


Testosterone Enanthate Dosage for Experienced Users

People that have a good amount of experience with using oral and/ or injectable steroids might use more than 500 mg per week. Yet, many of them still find that 500 mg per week is all they need so they might not increase the dosage. Others might use more.

As said, usually such people are bumping the dosage to anywhere between 600-1000 mg per week. Such dosages are still tolerable. It gets harder to tolerate it when reaching over 750 mg per week yet is still fine. Testosterone Enanthate dosage of 1000 mg and especially higher are greatly increasing the probability of negative side effects.

That’s why dosages are rarely exceeding 750 mg per week and even rarer 1000 mg per week. Even such doses are administered only by people having a good amount of experience with anabolic agents.


Administration of Testosterone Enanthate for Enhancement

Taken in consideration that Testosterone Enanthate is having a half life of about 8-10 days, the compound requires to be injected at least once per week, nonetheless, in order to make sure that you have stable blood levels and receiving maximum benefits, you should be injecting the compound twice per week, with equal dosages that are used evenly apart throughout the week between administrations.

  • For example, if you use a Testosterone Enanthate dosage of 500 mg per week, you need to use 250 mg on Monday and 250 mg on Thursday every week.
  • Testosterone Enanthate cycle length is no shorter than 8 weeks, and is no longer than 16 weeks. Most people use it for approximately 12 weeks.
  • Testosterone Enanthate is sometimes the base steroid for a blast and cruise which is having a different protocol.


Is important to remember that when it comes to Testosterone Enanthate dosage, do not follow what others do and say, is better to decide how much of it you need to inject during your cycle on your own, based on trial and error, on experience and goals. Sooner or later you will find what works best for you but in whatever the case we do not recommend to exceed cycle length or dosage to stay away from negative side effects.

Buy Testosterone Enanthate from this website to make sure that you’re going to buy best quality product and won’t be spending too much for it. In fact, you will be saving money compared to other sources.

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Testosterone Propionate


We all know that Testosterone is crucial for gaining muscle mass and size, is perhaps the most important hormone for all sportsmen, athletes and bodybuilders. However, you may know little about Testosterone esters and more detailed: Testosterone Propionatea fast acting testosterone form which may be perfect for many people’s cycles.

  • Testosterone Propionate is one of the many esterified forms of Testosterone but not everyone knows that this is the first ever esterified Testosterone and is the shortest one. Testosterone Propionate is having a short half life and that’s why is considered the fastest testosterone except for raw testosterone suspension (testosterone base) that is having no ester attached.

Another interesting fact to mention is that Testosterone Propionate is the most famous, popular and widely used version of Testosterone after Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate. Being the third injectable testosterone ester that is very popular is still widely used and you may require finding some valuable info about it. Especially taken in consideration that Testosterone Propionate is a bit more specific and different compared to Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate.

Alpha Pharma is offering different Testosterone versions as different brand names. Testosterone Propionate by Alpha Pharma is offered as TestoRapid – highest quality Testosterone for a low price!

TestoRapid by Alpha Pharma

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The compound is used in various needs for various purposes such as weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding and other needs. As earlier said, it has certain characteristics that other versions of Testosterone do not have. Check them below.

Differences between Testosterone Propionate vs Enanthate vs Cypionate

Regardless which version of testosterone you’re using, in the end, you would only receive testosterone and therefore, this doesn’t change the way the main compound works and what it does in your body. The ester is only responsible for a delayed release in the body after main compound (Testosterone) was administered. Different esters are having different release times.

That’s the difference between these 3 forms of testosterone. They are having different duration of effect.

  • Testosterone Enanthate and Cypionate are considered long based steroids since their esters are offering a half life of 8-9 days and 10-12 days respectively.
  • Testosterone Propionate, in retrospective, is offering a half life of only 1 day or up to maximum 3 days.

As much as we can notice, the difference is big, that’s why TestoRapid – Testosterone Propionate is considered different and used for different needs than the other 2 famous testosterone esters.

Since Testosterone Propionate (TestoRapid) is having a drastically lower duration of effect, results in a few advantages and disadvantages.


Testosterone Propionate Advantages

The main advantage of Testosterone Propionate – TestoRapid in comparison with longer testosterone esters is the fact that it works really fast meaning that those people who requires a fast boost in testosterone for whatever the reason would most likely obtain it from Testosterone Propionate than other 2 versions.

This version of testosterone would enter your blood stream fast, it would build in and start coming into effect fast and that’s a great thing. That’s why is often used as a kick starter during the cycle, something that you can’t do with Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate – they are requiring a while until they enter your blood stream.

Another advantage is the fact that the detection time is much shorter with Propionate ester since it gets flushed out of your system. Those who are about to have an anti doping test would likely love Propionate ester more with a detection time of 2-3 weeks from last dose, compared to detection time of 2-3 months from last dose with Enanthate or Cypionate.


Testosterone Propionate Disadvantages

Due to same reasons of this testosterone version getting flushed out of your system faster, there are some disadvantages too. The main and the biggest one is the fact that is harder to maintain stable blood levels with this compound and that’s why it requires to have more frequent administration.

You need to use Testosterone Propionate more frequently as injection and in addition to that, the injections can be a bit more painful.

Except for possible more painful injections that need to be injected more frequently and a higher risk of unstable blood levels if not used properly, there are no other disadvantages we can mention.

Testosterone Propionate Summary

TestoRapid by Alpha Pharma You might be interested about Testosterone Propionate Dosage, Cycle, Side Effects and overall Uses yet there’s not much we can mention here. The dosage and cycle length is pretty much as with any other testosterone version, although the dosages might be slightly more since raw testosterone is more in testosterone propionate version compared to others (due to less ester weight) and cycle length can be shorter because is faster working.

Same uses because of same product received, same side effects and same effects in general as long as same dosage is maintained, there’s not too much differences that we can mention here.

Buy Testosterone Propionate for sale from as brand Testo Rapid and you would be very happy both with the quality of product and price.

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Sustanon 250

Sustanon 250 is an anabolic and androgenic steroid that firstly appeared on the market many years ago and since then it has gained a huge amount of popularity, both in medical settings as well as for recreational use (for bodybuilding and athletic needs). With this being said, there’s a high chance you did heard about Sustanon 250.Induject 250 by Alpha Pharma

The compound is used by people who are on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) for medical purposes in most cases, but is also used for many other needs medically and in addition, is also used by various different athletes and bodybuilders. Why this anabolic steroid is so popular and has so many uses?

Because Sustanon 250 is one of the best versions of Testosterone, you might find on the market.

We are going to tell you what exactly is Sustanon 250 and how it works as well as everything else that you might need to know about it.

  • You need to know that Alpha Pharma is offering Sustanon 250 as brand Induject 250. Both are exact same compound, but with different brand names and hence, Induject 250 by Alpha Pharma is cheaper, despite offering exact same product (testosterone blend).

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What is Sustanon 250 – Induject 250?

Induject – Sustanon 250 is actually nothing more than Testosterone, but this compound is a mixture (blend) of 4 different versions of Testosterone esters. That’s why Induject 250 – Sustanon 250 is considered better than just simple testosterone by many people. What are the advantages of using a blend of 4 testosterone esters together compared to using one alone would be explained below.

But as much as we know testosterone is great for:

  • Increase lean muscle mass
  • Boosting recovery levels rate
  • Great strength levels gains
  • Overall increase of athletic performance
  • Body definition with hardening effects
  • Burns body fat

And Induject – Sustanon 250 is doing a great job at boosting testosterone levels in the body as long as is used properly. Induject 250 – Sustanon 250, in fact, doesn’t work in any other way than just boosting the levels of testosterone after is getting administered. Boosted levels of testosterone is what offers so many benefits.


Sustanon 250 – Induject 250 contains the 4 esterified testosterones and the reason why there’s “250” is because it indicates the amount of testosterone when they are all added together. That’s why there are other versions of Sustanon (350, 400 etc.). Other than that, as said, Induject 250 is made by Alpha Pharma, but Sustanon 250 is the first and most famous brand.

Sustanon 250 is basically the trading name that was firstly manufactured by Organon Pharmaceuticals.

The 4 testosterones include the following amount (with half lives):

  • 30 mg of Testosterone Propionate half life 3 days
  • 60 mg of Testosterone Phenylpropionate half life 5 days
  • 60 mg of Testosterone Isocapropate half life 9 days
  • 100 mg of Testosterone Decanoate half life 15 days

The advantage and the reason why Sustanon 250 – Induject 250 is such a popular product (compared to single esterified testosterone) is because this steroid is offering stable blood levels of testosterone. That’s because when using Induject 250, you get propionate version entering the system, then is followed by phenylpropionate, slowly is reached by isocaproate and lately the decanoate version enters your body.

Stable blood levels are maintained with less injection frequency, this is considered a great advantage.

Induject – Sustanon 250 Benefits and Side Effects

Sustanon 250 is working the exact same way as any other testosterone because it does nothing else than boosting your testosterone levels. The benefits and side effects are, therefore, exactly as when getting high testosterone.

Increased testosterone leads to gaining size and strength faster all because:

  • Increased red blood cell count
  • Boosted protein synthesis
  • Greater nitrogen retention
  • Enhanced recovery levels

But there are also side effects that may include:

  • Water retention
  • Acne
  • Gynecomastia
  • Hair loss
  • Suppression of natural testosterone

In short, using Induject 250 you increase testosterone, and the body starts working according to high testosterone levels.


Induject 250 – Sustanon 250 Cycle and Dosage

If you want to get maximum benefits out of using Sustanon 250 – Induject 250, learn how to cycle it properly. The compound is often used as a booster, as a base compound for Testosterone Replacement Therapy, for blast and cruise protocols and various other needs.

According to people who had experience of using Sustanon 250, the best way is to use it every 3-5 days. This way you get maximum benefits with maximum stable levels.

You should run PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) plan after each Induject – Sustanon 250 cycle because of suppressed testosterone levels.

Induject 250 – Sustanon 250 can be stacked with almost every single steroid that comes into your mind.

Induject 250 – Sustanon 250 cycle length usually are between 8 and 14 weeks. 12 weeks is what most people go for.

Doses of Sustanon – Induject depends on your size, goals, tolerance, experience etc. Usually, Induject 250 – Sustanon 250 dosage is around 500 mg per week. But it can be anywhere between 200 and 1000 mg per week.

Induject 250 by Alpha Pharma

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