Letrozole For Men

Letrozole is the main active substance in the popular brand Femara. Nonetheless, you could find this substance being sold as numerous other brands too.

Letrozole is a popular medication for females because it is known to treat hormonally responsive breast cancer in post menopausal women. Nonetheless, the compound has other medical purposes too.

It has been found effective in inducing ovulation in women. Plus to that, the compound has been proven effective for improving sperm concentration as well as increasing the testosterone-oestradiol ratio for men.

Letrozole Uses

With all of this being said, Letrozole is mostly seen as a medication for women. But it also can be used by men too. All of this is because Letrozole (Femara) is lowering total estrogen levels in the body. It does so by binding to aromatase enzymes and blocking the conversion of testosterone into estrogen through aromatization.

Therefore, Letrozole is an anti estrogen and more specifically – Aromatase Inhibitor (AI). It is different from other anti-estrogens – Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) like Clomid (clomiphene citrate) and Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate).


  • In fact, Femara (Letrozole) is considered the most powerful Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) compared to other AIs such as Arimidex (Anastrozole) or Aromasin (Exemestane). That’s because it is capable to reduce estrogen levels by up to 98% in women and about 65% in men.

With this being said, if there’s a person who is having high estrogen levels that are getting out of hand or can’t be treated with other AIs, they are going to find Letrozole – Femara very effective as it can quickly and sharply reduce estrogen levels preventing or treating nasty estrogen related issues.

Letrozole Bodybuilding

Therefore, Letrozole for men is an extremely effective compound and a very helpful one, especially for bodybuilders running anabolic steroids.

Letrozole for men is sometimes offered in medical settings either for promoting proper testosterone to estrogen ratio and / or for improving sperm concentration. But might be used for treating gynecomastia too.


Buy Femara Here

When used for physique and performance enhancement purposes, the product is used for gynecomastia symptoms mainly.

But is very effective in dealing with other high estrogen related issues during the use of aromatized steroids such as water retention, bloating, hypertension, and others.

Steroids Causing High Estrogen

Not all steroids convert into estrogen causing high estrogen levels. This means that men do not need Letrozole or other AIs to use during the cycle with such steroids. Compounds that do not convert into estrogen are dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived. For example Winstrol, Anavar, Masteron, and others. Nonetheless, Anadrol, although DHT derived, is still attached to estrogen receptors capable of causing gynecomastia.

However, other steroids do convert into estrogen including Testosterone and Nandrolone derived. They include all testosterone esters, Deca Durabolin, NPP, Dianabol, Equipoise, and others. Because almost all steroid cycles should be accompanied by testosterone. That’s why having an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) like Letrozole handy is always a good idea.


Letrozole For Men Side Effects

In case you’re going to use too high doses of Letrozole, that’s going to lead to too suppressed levels of estrogen. When you don’t have enough estrogen, this leads to side effects too.

As with anything, estrogen is a hormone that should be kept within the normal range. Too much of it and you get side effects and not enough of it and you get side effects as well.

That’s why it is important to use Letrozole (Femara) exactly as is required specifically for you and your needs.

  • Low estrogen levels (resulting from too high doses) are able to hurt your immune system, to lower your libido, to cause negative effects on cholesterol levels and other issues. You may get depression or affect your mood in a negative way. Others include the inability to grow muscle, dry/ painful joints, fatigue, and weakness as well as other issues.

Letrozole For Men Dosage

FemaraLetrozole for men is usually used in doses much lower compared to doses required by women suffering from breast cancer. Whilst women may need 2.5 mg per day – that’s way too high a dosage for most men. Men who need to control estrogen levels during the cycle of steroids generally need lower doses. letro-lab

  • Anywhere between 0.25 mg up to around 1 mg per day or even every other day. At least as a starting dosage, then you could increase.

Buy Letrozole Here

Buy the best quality Letrozole for sale to obtain the compound for the cheapest price on the market and maximum possible quality from AlphaPharma.to.

Regardless if you need Letrozole for men or for women, for physique and performance enhancement, or for medical reasons – you would find the compound extremely effective and low priced.

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