How Much Will Clomid Raise Testosterone?

Clomid containing the active substance Clomiphene Citrate is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) and alongside with Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) they form up anti estrogens. Therefore, Clomiphene Citrate found in Clomid is an anti estrogen alongside with many other medicines out there but is actually used for treating infertility in women and is considered one of the strongest Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) medicines in existence.

That’s because Clomid is known to increase testosterone levels. If you’re searching for Clomid for women for infertility, then your doctor is capable to explain you everything that you need about this compound in terms of its use for infertility.


Clomid is offered as brand name Promifen by Alpha Pharma. You can use this site to obtain best quality Clomiphene Citrate as brand Promifen and make sure is the same Clomid, yet is less costly.

Buy Clomid here.


In terms of Promifen – Clomid for estrogen protection (both for men and women) the compound is rarely used for such needs. That’s because Clomid is considered a fairly weak estrogen protective compound, at least compared to other options. That’s why, Promifen – Clomid may be used and is sometimes used for treating or preventing gynecomastia among men, but that’s rarely. And is extremely rarely used for treating breast cancer among women due to estrogen levels.

  • As a result, we have Clomid for men for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) – the main use of Clomiphene Citrate in bodybuilding world and what made it be so famous. Clomid is actually considered one of the most powerful and most effective Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) medicine and with this being said, is quite obvious that Clomid can raise testosterone levels very much and very efficiently.

A lot of men are wondering:

How much will Clomid raise testosterone?

How much will it helps when they actually use it?

And that’s obvious so many people wonder this, as many of them want to know how much will Clomid – Promifen increase their T levels. Well, it very much depends on various factors. For example, Clomid will raise your testosterone levels based on your initial testosterone levels as well as on the dosage of Promifen – Clomid.

According to most people results who have already used Clomid (Promifen), they share that a dosage of 50-100 mg a day is going to be enough to do the perfect job in raising your testosterone levels. This means, that this dosage is going to do a great job in raising testosterone enough.


But there are studies done on Clomid which prove that a dosage of about 150 mg a day of Clomiphene Citrate is going to increase the testosterone levels by an amazing result of 150%.

There are people who intended to increase the testosterone levels even higher so they were using extremely big dosages of about 200 mg and even 300 mg a day. Nonetheless, such a high dosage is absolutely not necessary.

  • In fact, any dosage that is going over the 200 mg a day is going to greatly increase the chances of side effects and is not clear if such higher dosages would further increase the testosterone levels. Even if so, that’s not worth it. Clomid – Promifen raises testosterone very efficiently even at lower dosages and there’s no need to increase the dosage which is not known whether would it further increase efficiency, but is a sure fact that would increase the side effects.

Clomid – Promifen (Clomiphene Citrate) increases testosterone levels based on various factors such as what is your natural level of testosterone, what dosage of Promifen – Clomid you want to administer, how you respond to Clomiphene, what is your lifestyle (diet, exercise regimen etc.) including many other factors.

promifen-clomid-alpha In the end, there are very low chances to find anything better than Clomid – Promifen for your Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) needs. In fact, the compound is so powerful that many who used Clomiphene for their PCT reported getting too high testosterone levels side effects such as: acne, hair loss, aggression, water retention, hypertension and others.

Buy Clomiphene here.

Clomid (Promifen) raises testosterone levels enough for you to restore back your natural hormonal balance. But in order to achieve it, you need to have a high quality Clomiphene Citrate. You can buy it directly from our website at as brand Promifen. You get the highest quality and purity Clomiphene Citrate and you save a lot of money as we offer Clomid for sale for the lowest price.

What is Clenbuterol Used For?

Since Clenbuterol is not approved in USA and is only approved for breathing issues in other countries but it seems like Clenbuterol is mainly used for weight loss purposes, is quite obvious that a lot of people may find it hard to understand and find a precise answer to the question:

What is Clenbuterol Used For?

So well, in fact, there are various Clenbuterol uses. Let’s start with the fact that Clenbuterol is even used in veterinary settings. The compound is given to horses intravenously and in cattle to relax the uterus in cows at the time of parturition.

Anyway, in medical settings, this compound is used by sufferers of breathing disorders. The compound is used as a bronchodilator and decongestant. Clenbuterol is used as a bronchodilator in order to make breathing easier to those that suffer from such conditions like asthma and others.

Nonetheless, Clenbuterol seems to be mostly used by those who want to get a shredded physical appearance with toned muscles and generally – getting a good looking body. That’s why, Clenbuterol is used for losing body fat. It has structural similarities to epinephrine and salbutamol with thermogenic effects and being a Beta 2 agonist.

Clenbuterol is offered by Alpha Pharma as brand name Astralean offered for an extremely low price. Make sure that Astralean offers Clenbuterol of best possible price whilst customers can save big money!

Astralean by Alpha Pharma

Buy Clenbuterol here.

Clenbuterol – Astralean is very helpful for losing weight. That’s why is used in cutting cycles and by everyone who want to burn body fat. There are lots of people all around the world who use it for this purpose, despite the fact that is considered off label or even illegal.

Yet, there are lots of sportsmen, athletes, bodybuilders and even celebrities such as models, Instagram girls, actors and singers and so on and so forth who use Clenbuterol in order to have great looking body appearance.

Clenbuterol – Astralean is very helpful for various needs, basically working like a stimulant. But here are some benefits that Clenbuterol has and based on them, people use it according to their needs:

  • Greatly Improves Breathing

As it was mentioned, Clenbuterol is medically given to people suffering from breathing issues like Asthma, improving breathing ability. It does so by relaxing and widening the blood vessels, so people can get more oxygen.

  • Amazing at Burning Fat

It was said that Astralean – Clenbuterol is an extremely powerful product at burning body fat. Is a compound that increases heart rate and blood pressure with an overall increase in metabolic energy and body temperature. With higher body temperature and better metabolism, the body is burning more calories and uses more energy. With more calories that get burned – you lose weight faster and efficiently.

  • Maintaining Muscle Mass

Another great benefit of Astralean (Clenbuterol) which is deeply appreciated by bodybuilders is the fact that is capable to preserve lean muscle mass. People go through low calorie diets (caloric deficit) for fat loss purposes and they are at higher risks to lose muscle mass. Yet, Clen is capable to make you hold the hard earned muscles also increasing muscle strength and their recovery.


  • Huge Boost In Energy

Astralean – Clenbuterol is a stimulant drug and is quite obvious that is going to increase the energy levels and focus. Is working similarly like caffeine, but is a way more powerful version. That’s super effective for everyone during their studies, jobs and workout sessions. Users of Clen can workout more intensively and longer. It works in similar way to adrenaline.

Clenbuterol Conclusion

As much as we can notice, Clenbuterol (Astralean) is an amazing product for physique and performance enhancement. The compound is banned and illegal because there were cases of abuse which led to dangerous side effects – but that applies only to people who abuse it. You need to have a proper use if you want to stay away from AstraleanClenbuterol side effects and get maximum benefits.

After you learned enough information, you may proceed using it. But make sure you have enough knowledge on how to properly use it. In addition, make sure you get real Clenbuterol, otherwise it won’t work or even worse – would offer additional side effects.

Astralean by Alpha Pharma

Buy Clenbuterol here.

Everything you need to know can be found here on the website at, all along with the fact that you can get Clenbuterol itself as brand Astralean for a very low price.

Trenbolone Enanthate

Trenbolone Enanthate is the perfect steroid for those who do not want to inject themselves too often, but they still want to get an extremely helpful anabolic steroid for physique and performance enhancement purposes.

If there are people out there who used steroids and they do not receive what they wish for – go for this steroid, there’s a very high chance that you would love it – Trenbolone works like charm for your muscles, making them grow and making them stronger.

Alpha Pharma is offering Trenbolone Enanthate as brand name Trenbolin. Make sure that Trenbolin is offering best quality Trenbolone Enanthate for the cheapest price!

What is Trenbolone Enanthate?

Trenbolone EnanthateTrenbolin is one of the esterified versions of the extremely powerful anabolic steroid – Trenbolone. This is an injectable steroid that should be used intramuscularly.

  • NOTE! Anyone claiming to offer orally active Trenbolone Enanthate is looking to scam you. There is no Trenbolone Enanthate in pills – the steroid is used only via injection in muscles.

Trenbolone Enanthate (Trenbolin) is a long version of the extremely famous steroid Trenbolone Acetate (TrenaRapid by Alpha Pharma). Ultimately, users receive same powerful steroid, but Trenbolone Enanthate – Trenbolin is released in the system slower with a half life of about 5-7 days, compared to half life of 1-3 days of Trenbolone Acetate (TrenaRapid).








Buy Trenbolone here.

This steroid is extremely powerful, capable to make you grow muscles up to about 20 lbs in a short cycle length of only 6-8 weeks. One of the best news is that all the muscles would be clean and quality since Trenbolone cannot aromatize and convert into estrogen.

Some other amazing benefits of Trenbolone Enanthate includes:

  • Huge boost in power and strength
  • Users display amazing performance
  • Lowers natural cortisol
  • May greatly help users to increase libido
  • Improves mood and confidentiality
  • Huge boost in stamina and energy levels
  • Amazing fat burning properties

There are many other benefits of this powerful steroid but in the end, being such a powerful one, is quite obvious that is one of the most effective steroids.

The problem with TrenbolinTrenbolone Enanthate is that often, is too powerful. That means that customers receive side effects from using it. But that’s mostly because Tren is not used properly.

Trenbolone Enanthate Dosage

As said, in order to stay away from the possible side effects of Trenbolone, which by the way can be pretty nasty, you should be using TrenbolinTrenbolone Enanthate dosage with very big care.

As said, this is an injectable steroid and is a long lasting steroid, therefore you should be using it intramuscularly but you can easily use it only twice per week with days evenly apart. For example, half of weekly dosage on Monday and another half on Thursday is going to be good enough.

  • Trenbolin – Trenbolone Enanthate dosage is exactly the same as TrenaRapidTrenbolone Acetate – maximum 700 mg per week.
  • In fact, dosages over 550 mg per week should be attempted only by absolute professionals with enough knowledge on it.
  • Dosages over 700 mg per week are abusive while beginners should start at about 150 mg up to 350 mg per week.


Trenbolone Enanthate Cycle

Trenbolone Enanthate (Trenbolin) is often used in bulking cycles due to long attached ester, but can be used with great success in cutting cycles too. Trenbolin – Trenbolone Enanthate cycle usually lasts 8-12 weeks, with about 10 weeks being the most common cycle length.

Trenbolin – Trenbolone Enanthate cycle should be done very carefully. Usually testosterone is added, or other steroids, depending on your ultimate goals and needs.

In the end, the trenbolone enanthate cycle can be very different and it greatly depends on many different factors. We recommend to start with a low dosage and cycle length to get a feeling of how this anabolic steroid works for you personally.

Trenbolone Enanthate Conclusion

Trenbolone Enanthate (Trenbolin) is a very famous steroid in the world of bodybuilding. It could be a less popular version than Trenbolone Acetate (TrenaRapid), but since is a longer version – some people still want it in order to avoid too often administration as they do not want to inject themselves.

Trenbolone Enanthate is still offering the extremely powerful and helpful steroid and that’s why, Trenbolone enanthate results can be mind blowing. But remember – it greatly depends on your genetics, on the dosage that you’re about to use as well as on your lifestyle choices. Without working out and dieting – this compound won’t work.

However, when everything is done right, the results are going to be amazing with the individual getting a perfect beach body, muscular and vascular, with huge increases in energy levels.

You can buy Trenbolone Enanthate for sale from this site as brand name Trenbolin. You would find the best quality version of Trenbolone Enanthate and you can compared the prices with other sources to see how much money you can save.

Buy Trenbolone Enanthate here.

Anavar Pills


Anavar is the trade/ brand name for the active substance Oxandrolone and is very often called by many shortly Var. However, Oxandrolone is the actual steroid and you would find it being sold as Oxanabol by Alpha Pharma and you can be sure that is the exact same steroid as Anavar, but sold for a cheaper price.

Oxandrolone is an orally active steroid, at least, mostly. There is an injectable version of Oxandrolone, but since is considered that injections have absolutely no benefits over the Oxandrolone pills, most people choose Oxanabol – Anavar pills.

The reason why we still call it “Anavar” is because this is the first and most famous brand name.

Oxanabol – Anavar pills are generally extremely popular. This is an anabolic steroid that is used all around the world by lots of people. Anavar is the most famous and widely used steroid for women and is extremely famous for men too – all of that because is considered very effective and in the same time, is pretty safe in terms of side effects too. But another important factor that come at play of it being so popular is because Anavar – Oxanabol come as pills.

Oxanabol by Alpha Pharma

Buy Anavar – Oxanabol here.

There are not too many people who agree to inject themselves. Either because that seems strange, or maybe because some people are afraid of pains from injections, others simply might not like the needles. In the end, regardless of the actual reason – Lots of people do not love injections so they use pills, as many people think this is a “safer” alternative. But in the end, we wouldn’t call it actually safer. We can only say that is way easier to administer.

  • Oxanabol – Anavar pills, on the other hand, are both easy to administer and safe. Most orally active anabolic steroids are C17 alpha alkylated. This alkylation is what allows the steroid to survive the liver and remain high bioactive without being destroyed by the liver, but that’s increasing liver enzymes.

In case the liver enzymes are increased too much, that may lead to various liver damages such as cirrhosis, liver failure, liver cancer or others. Luckily, there are very low chances anything like that would happen with a proper use of anabolic steroids, and especially with Oxanabol – Anavar pills.

The reason is that Oxanabol – Anavar pills are considered way safer compared to most other steroids – both injectable and orally active. Anavar is less hepatotoxic and generally, Anavar pills are so famous and widely used by so many people because they are super effective for physique and performance enhancement and in the same time – those pills are safe too.

However, they are relatively safe. You need to know how to properly use Oxanabol – Anavar pills in order to make them effective and keep their side effects at bay.

How to Use Anavar Pills Correctly?

In order to get high effectiveness from the steroid and to stay away from the side effects, Anavar pills should be used properly. They are safer when compared to most orally active steroids, but it definitely doesn’t mean that they are absolutely safe.

With an improper use or especially attempting an abuse – side effects are almost guaranteed. The Anavar pills are still dangerous as they are offering you a steroid, and steroids interfere with your hormonal system.

This is the reason why you’ve got to learn how to use them. For example, first thing is to keep in mind is – never use higher dosages than you can and you need, and never use the compound for longer periods of time.

  • Oxanabol – Anavar pills are used in dosages between 30 mg a day for beginners and 100 mg a day for professionals. 50 mg a day is the sweet spot for most people. Oxanabol – Anavar cycle is between 4 and 8 weeks. 4 for beginners, 8 weeks for professionals with 6 weeks being the sweet spot.
  • Dosage is way longer for women. Oxanabol – Anavar pills are used only in 5-10 mg for women. Few professional women go up to 15-20 mg a day. Cycle length for most of them is 4 weeks, only professionals go to 6 weeks.

Oxanabol by Alpha Pharma

Buy Anavar here.

Men should also be prepared for a good Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan in order to get back their natural testosterone production because Oxanabol – Anavar pills are known to suppress it.

Is also extremely important to know that Anavar steroid is not a “magical” pill that would make you burn fat and grow muscles watching TV all day long and eating junk food. Without working out and dieting – there’s absolutely nothing in this world that can greatly change your physical appearance.

Where to Buy Anavar Pills?

Oxanabol by Alpha Pharma If you’re interested in purchasing some Anavar pills then we recommend this source – where you would find the highest quality steroids, including pills of Anavar sold as Oxanabol.

Buy Anavar and use it properly – you would get amazing benefits.

Although the trade/ brand name is different than Anavar, but make sure that you get the exact same high quality and purity Anavar with the active substance Oxandrolone.

You should also know that Anavar pills can be expensive. Luckily, with our steroid source – you can get Oxandrolone including many other steroids for extremely low prices.

Buy Anavar


Have you ever done research on some of the best compounds that can help with physique and performance enhancement needs? If you did, there’s a very high chance that you’ve heard about Anavar.

That’s because this product is extremely famous and popular both among women and men. Anavar is an androgenic and anabolic steroid (AAS) that is coming in form of oral tablets so is easy to administer, and is offering amazing results, in the time that it remains safer compared to most other steroids out there.

That’s why Anavar is such a popular steroid. We’ve all heard that steroids can be very dangerous and that’s true, but it highly depends on various factors such as what steroid specifically you use (because there are some steroids that are more dangerous than others and Anavar is among the safest ones), the dosage, cycle length and many other factors.

Taken in consideration that Anavar is so safe, with a proper use, there are very low chances that you would get any bad side effects.

With this being said, there are a lot of people who want to buy Anavar.

We have the perfect solution – our store is offering the best quality Anavar for the lowest prices.

Alpha Pharma is offering best quality Anavar product containing highest quality Oxandrolone but sold as brand name Oxanabol instead of Anavar – but make sure that Oxanabol is same Anavar but cheaper.

Oxanabol by Alpha Pharma

Buy Anavar here.

But before we continue further, is extremely important to learn about Anavar (Oxandrolone).

Should I Buy Anavar?

It highly depends on various factors. For example, if you want to grow lean muscle mass, preserve current muscles during a low calorie diet, burn body fat and generally get a perfect “beach body” then the answer to the question is most likely yes.

However, on the other hand, if you are having some health issues, especially related to heart, liver etc. then the answer is most likely no.

But there are other factors that come at play. People who wonder should they buy Anavar (Oxanabol) they firstly need to make sure that they are capable to properly use it. Is extremely important to learn as much as possible about the compound before actually using it, because that way you know what you can expect out of using it. You should learn about the side effects, benefits and final results.


If you plan to buy Anavar without learning about it – that might not be a good idea. For those interested, our source is having lots of information about Oxanabol – Anavar and we can also help you into answering other questions in case you would have any through customer support.

In the end, people should buy Anavar (Oxanabol) when they are sure they can properly use it, they need it, and their bodies are in good condition to allow them to use the product.

Buy Anavar For Sale

If you plan to buy Anavar, you should know that what you actually need is Oxandrolone. Anavar is the brand/ trade name but the active substance is Oxandrolone.

Anavar is often shortly called Var by many, but Alpha Pharma offers Oxanabol as brand name containing high quality Oxandrolone but being cheaper.

We all call it Anavar since is the first and most famous brand for Oxandrolone. With all of this being said, you could get Oxanabol containing real and highest quality Oxandrolone for an extremely low price.

Oxanabol by Alpha Pharma

Buy Anavar here.

  • That’s a big bonus taken in consideration that Anavar is a pretty pricey steroid. Use our store – and we make sure that you get Anavar for sale of the highest quality. We make sure that each of our customer is going to be happy with the products received because we have extremely low prices for those compounds that are made of the best quality.

As a final result, customers get Anavar for sale (high quality Oxandrolone) so they save money and get a compound that is capable to offer mind blowing results for growing muscle mass and burning body fat.

We do not recommend to buy Anavar (Oxanabol) unless you are absolutely sure that you learned how to properly administer it and your body is in good enough condition to use it. But if you have done your homework on it, you do not have any health issues and you want to get your physical appearance and performance to the next level, then you could go for Anavar (Oxanabol) and buy it for sale directly from our site

Winstrol Dosage


Winstrol, containing Stanozolol as the active substance, is the most famous brand name of the anabolic steroid that is often called Winny.

You can find this anabolic steroid Stanozolol being sold as Rexobol (as orally active tablets) or Rexogin (as injectable compound) manufactured by Alpha Pharma, but in the end, it contains a high quality Stanozolol product – the brand name doesn’t really matter. We just call it Winstrol because is most famous brand for the orally active steroid, but Rexobol or Rexogin is of the same high quality and offered for a lower price.


Buy Winstrol here.

It has been used for many years by bodybuilders and athletes for cutting cycles being one of the most famous steroids for those who want to get a shredded body. The oral Winstrol (Rexobol) is capable to offer an amazingly looking body, muscular with hardening effects and vascularity.

But on the other hand, this is a powerful oral steroid and not using it properly would result in negative side effects. Is a known fact that anabolic steroids can be dangerous and while that’s true, it very much depends on various factors such as tolerance, experience, diet, workout regimen, gender, size etc. but mainly it depends on the dosage.

That’s why, is so extremely important to learn as much as possible about Rexobol – Winstrol dosage before actually using the compound. RexobolWinstrol dosage plays the most important role when talking about how effective it can be, and how bad it can be in terms of side effects.

That’s why is crucial to learn, read and do research.

For example, the higher the dosage of a compound – the more effective it would be, but on the other hand, the higher the dosage of that compounds – the more and more intense side effects would be. So, is mandatory to find the “perfect balance” of Winstrol dosage – that dosage that would make sure you get the high efficiency of Winstrol combined with low or no side effects.

The dosage of Winstrol – Rexobol is important for fitness enthusiasts mainly, those who strive for a hard, defined body that look great, that’s because achieving such results isn’t easy, but the steroid can help you. When Winstrol is prescribed for a health condition in medical settings – the compound’s dosage is determined by the doctor.

Winstrol dosage for physique and performance enhancement, on the other hand, should be determined by yourself, depending on various factors.

Mainly oral Winstrol dosage is anywhere between 30 mg and 100 mg per day with 50 mg a day being the sweet spot for most people. Same applies for injectable Rexogin – Winstrol (Stanozolol), but injections are by far not as famous as pills.

Rexogin by Alpha Pharma

Buy Winstrol Depot here.

With this being said, beginners usually go for Rexobol – Winstrol dosage of 30 mg a day. This dosage would be enough to offer great results, but is not too much to offer too bad side effects if your body cannot tolerate it too well. It would also make sure your body gets accustomed to the Winstrol’s effects.

The next we have Winstrol 50 mg a day. This is the most common dosage of the compound. Most people call it the “perfect balance” with amazing results and barely any side effects.

Higher dosages than 50 mg a day are not very common because they greatly increase the risk of negative side effects, especially liver strain. But the next stop is about 80 mg a day attempted by professionals. It offers mind blowing results, but you should watch out for the side effects.

Dosages that go over 80 mg a day are by far not recommended to everyone and are rarely attempted. Winstrol 100 mg is absolutely maximum that you should go for. Anything higher is pure abuse. With Winstrol 100 mg a day, the results are crazy, you feel it working extremely fast and the results are just incomparable with anything else. Nonetheless, the risk of side effects is high too and your liver should be in a perfect condition to maintain such a high strain. Such a high Winstrol dosage should be attempted only by absolute professionals with years of experience of using Winstrol under their belt.

Use to get the best quality Winstrol product sold as Rexobol (or Rexogin as injection) for the lowest price.

Dianabol For Sale


Dianabol being an extremely famous steroid in the world of bodybuilding, is one of the most sought-after steroid and that’s because is a very powerful and helpful compound for growing lean muscle mass and boosting performance. However, is pretty hard to find Dianabol for sale.

But this is getting extremely easy with where you can buy real Dianabol sold as brand Alphabol.

Alphabol by Alpha Pharma

Buy Dianabol (sold as Alphabol) here.

Dianabol (Alphabol), being widely popular and widely used, is also, unfortunately, widely counterfeited. This is the reason why there’s a high chance of getting fake Dianabol if not using a proper source. In addition to that, customers have the risk of purchasing overpriced Dianabol. Despite the fact that you may receive actual Dbol with the active substance Methandienone (or Methandrostenolone) – there are lots of sources that offer them for way too high prices.

With this being said, there’s a very high chance that buying Dianabol from some unknown websites, you would either receive fake compound or you would pay way too high price for an actual real product.

  • There are various other risks too. For example, under dosage or under quality compound. Under dosage means that you expect getting Dianabol of 50 mg and is written on the label that you should receive 50 mg of Methandienone from a pill, but you receive less, like 30 mg or even 10 mg. In addition to that, there’s also under quality compound where out of 100% of the tablet, you receive a very low percentage of Methandienone.
  • Other than that, there are sites, which seem dietary supplements with very close name to the authentic steroid. They try to make you think you get actual Dbol, but you only get a supplement. Even if you do know that you get a supplement, they are saying that Dbol supplement is working absolutely same way as actual Dianabol without side effects and is absolutely all safe and legal.

Dianabol is a powerful steroid, there are not too much steroids that can be considered as helpful as Dianabol is, not mentioning supplements that do not stand anywhere near actual Dbol.

Buy Genuine Dianabol For Sale

With everything that has been mentioned above, is extremely important to know your seller. You could buy Dianabol from strangers in real life, or you could get it from some unknown sources, but getting such compounds from such sources is extremely risky.

Go for sources that would actually help you receive what you are paying for without scamming on the price such as Buying blindly from unknown sources and strangers may get you scammed either on price, or on quality, or on the product itself.

For this reason you could go for the Dianabol products that we have to offer on this website. You can be sure that you get real Dianabol for sale. The compounds are high quality and we offer the best prices online.

How we can prove that? Check the compounds that you get from our website on the purity test. There are various labs that can tell you the actual strength and purity of a compound, and what’s exactly in that product. As in terms of prices – just compare the prices for Dbol on our website and other sources. If you do find a source with a lower price – make sure that they are not scammers as there’s a high chance they are.

GMP-Certified How we can prove that we won’t scam you? We care about reputation and about our customers.

Absolutely all compounds that you can buy here are manufactured by GMP approved standards because Alpha Pharma is GMP approved pharmaceutical company which guarantee the high quality. We try to make customers happy by maintaining the lowest prices and lastly, there are various positive reviews and testimonials that you can find online which prove how much we care about customers and our reputation.



Buy Dianabol for sale as brand name Alphabol by Alpha Pharma and make sure that this is going to be one of the best Dbol for an extremely low price which would greatly help you with physique and performance enhancement needs.

Alphabol by Alpha Pharma

Buy Dianabol (sold as Alphabol) here.

Turinabol Review


Is a very well known fact that anabolic steroids can be extremely helpful for physique and performance enhancement and that’s why a lot of people are searching for them trying to maximize their bodybuilding results and speed up the process. But we also know that anabolic steroids can be dangerous for our health in case they are not used properly. That’s why, a lot of people search for effective steroids that are not going to offer negative effects.

That’s the reason why Turinabol, that is also known as Tbol shortly, is such a famous anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS). Oral Turinabol is the perfect steroid for those who want to maintain their health, get highly effective compound, and get an aesthetically looking physique all along without receiving nasty side effects as they may get from other steroids.

The compound is often called Oral Turinabol or shortly Oral Tbol because it comes in form of tablets and pills meant for being administered orally and that’s a huge benefit for lots of people who want to stay away from injections.

What is Turinabol?

Turinabol is an orally active steroid that is derived from Dianabol (sold as Alphabol by Alpha Pharma). Being much milder than Dianabol, is often called “the little brother” of Dbol and that’s why it got nicknamed Tbol.

The active substance in Turinabol is 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone and any other brand/ trade name of product containing this chemical name, is actually the exact same Turinabol. However, the brand Turinabol is the first and the most famous brand, that’s why we all refer to it this way.

Alpha Pharma is offering Turinabol with the same brand name and make sure that you can get the highest quality Turinabol steroid for the lowest price you can find.

Buy Turinabol here.

Oral Turinabol is offering lower anabolic and androgenic activity than Dianabol (Alphabol) and in addition to that, it doesn’t aromatize. Because of lower numbers on paper, a lot of people tend to think that the anabolic steroid is not very effective and that’s a huge mistake. Despite it offering lower anabolic to androgenic numbers on paper (which is only 54 : 6), oral Tbol remains a highly effective compound that can greatly help you with physique and performance enhancement.

It was developed many years ago by a German pharma company specifically for physique and performance enhancement purposes. It was intended to increase the performance of athletes and in the same time, to pass the anti doping tests. Initially, the compound had success as it could not be detected by the tests back them.

  • As time went by the tests became more sophisticated and nowadays, the steroid can be detected by the anti doping tests so make sure not to use it in case you know you’re about to have a test.

Oral Tbol is great for developing and strengthening muscles as well as for boosting the stamina and energy of the user, that’s why is so famous and widely used all over the world. Bodybuilders have found Turinabol to be a very helpful steroid when talking about achieving their physique and performance enhancement goals.

  • But taken in consideration that it doesn’t have a big anabolic activity without aromatization – Turinabol is by far not as effective as, for example its bigger brother, Dianabol, when talking about growing muscle mass.
  • However, on the other hand, Turinabol is having other advantages over Dianabol (Alphabol). For example, the gains from Tbol would be lean without bloating, unlike those from Dbol and plus is a lot much less dangerous in terms of side effects and damaging your organs. There are other benefits either.

Because of all those reasons, most people using oral Tbol are using it during their cutting cycles, during those phases when they need to maintain lean muscle mass and lose body fat. Like the guy in the photo below.

With Oral Turinabol (Tbol) users are capable to get very shredded, ripped whilst maintaining lean muscle mass and increasing strength and performance abilities.

Tbol is still sometimes used in bulking cycles, but only as a booster and addition to other main compounds. But is very famous in cutting cycles and that’s because Turinabol can be super effective for:

  • Preserves and increases lean muscle mass
  • Boost fat burning processes in the body
  • Enhances the recovery processes of muscles
  • Overall huge increase in performance levels
  • Offers a very aesthetically and good looking body
  • Increases energy, resistance, stamina and endurance

What Does The Steroid Turinabol Do?

The steroid Turinabol is great for boosting and maximizing your processes for physique and performance enhancement. That’s why Oral Turinabol is an overall very famous steroid. But other factors that make Tbol a famous compound is because is very safe in terms of keeping your organs healthy and keeping you away from unwanted side effects.

Although side effects are still possible, they are much less likely to appear and they would be much less intense compared to other steroids.

Turinabol is boosting testosterone levels in the body and in the same time, is helping with many other things such as increased strength of your muscles, increased amounts of muscles, increased energy and endurance and many other helpful effects.


That’s all why the steroid Turinabol was invented. Unlike most other androgenic and anabolic steroids (AAS) out there, Turinabol was created specifically for such needs. It never had any medical purposes and wasn’t ever made for such needs. Instead, it was created for boosting the process of gaining lean muscle mass and maximizing the limits if you have plateaued from gains.

Oral Tbol is great at putting your body in the anabolic state and that’s without affecting your health too much and offering nasty health issues as other steroids may.

Steroid Turinabol that is also known as Tbol is used for increasing physique and performance and that’s why it got created in the first place. No wonder is so famous. It does everything that your body needs to grow further lean muscles, increase performance and strength as well as having an overall great aesthetically looking body such as: protein synthesis boost, increase in nitrogen retention, boosted testosterone levels, places body in the anabolism state whilst reducing catabolism.

The compound is mostly knowing for being orally active, highly effective and no nasty side effects.

Oral Turinabol Effects | Effects of Tbol Cycle

Turinabol was created from Dianabol (Alphabol) but in the end, that’s a form of testosterone (called chlorodehydromethyltestosterone) and this chemical substance is greatly helping the users to increase the body mass, to increase their vascularity as well as strength levels. Because it works on your hormones, that’s often leading to beneficial effects of administering oral Turinabol, however, changes on hormones may lead to negative side effects too. Oral Turinabol effects can be great or they could be bad.

Good news is that the effect of a Tbol cycle are mostly positive as long as the user is not having any pre existent health issues and is using the anabolic steroid properly.

  • If is not used cautiously and in correct dosages, then a number of various side effects may be displayed like for example heart issues, liver issues including some sexual negative effects too.
  • On the other hand, by having a proper administration, you would notice that the effects of Tbol cycle are great because your physique is going to go to the next level including your performance. Without too much boost in weight, your physical appearance is going to be greatly looking and you would notice that your performance as well as strength is better.

Oral Turinabol effects make your body grow muscle mass and the strength much faster and more efficiently. Also, it helps you grow more muscles than you were capable to grow without Tbol cycle.

It also boosts the recovery processes and that’s why, it won’t allow any muscle loss even during the caloric deficit and would allow you to work out longer and more intensively, as well as more frequently because the muscle recovery processes are getting increased. With faster recovery, you are not going to get as much muscle pains either.


Keep in mind that Turinabol is not as powerful as other steroids, like for example Dianabol with a low anabolic to androgenic ratio of only 54 : 6 and that’s why, you cannot expect as much muscle growth. Instead, you cannot expect as much negative side effects. With oral Tbol, you are putting your body to much less risks of damaging your organs and receiving negative side effects compared to most other orally active steroids out there.

But in the same time, is still capable to offer your bodies various abilities that help it increase the strength and endurance, energy and stamina. Muscle tissues development is going to get to the next level and in the same time, burns fat, as a result you get increased vascularity and better performance.

It still works on your hormones and androgen receptors and that’s why some side effects are still possible as with other anabolic steroids, but they are way milder and that’s why, the compound is very popular for bodybuilders and other sportsmen.

What Are The Effects of Turinabol

As it was earlier mentioned, the effects of Turinabol can be very different. This steroid, exactly as many others out there, is working on multiple levels and in multiple ways as soon as it reaches the body. Some effects of Turinabol are positive, others are negative – it all depends on various factors such as personal experience and tolerance, dosage of the compound and cycle length as well as various others.

In the end, you may get benefits and you may get side effects, it very much depends on you and your administration form. That’s why is so highly important to learn both about benefits and side effects as well as how to properly use the steroid in order to make it most effective and reduce the side effects.

Good news is that Turinabol (Tbol) has been categorized as a steroid with high beneficial effects versus low risks and intense side effects ratio.


What Are The Benefits of Turinabol

Despite the fact that oral Turinabol is often considered a very mild steroid, it still offers a lot of different benefits when the compound is reaching your body. As soon as it reaches the system, the compound starts boosting the processes that make your body and your muscles much more powerful increasing strength.

In the end, we would share some of the biggest and most commonly reported benefits of Turinabol cycle – the main reasons why Tbol is so widely used and popular all over the world.

  • Muscle Preservation and Muscle Growth. Turinabol, despite not being as effective at growing muscles as much as Dianabol, is still doing a great job at enhancing the processes of muscle growth and that’s one of the biggest benefit. The compound is not only going to grow muscles or maintain them during the caloric deficit diets (required to lose body fat) but is also going to boost the athletic performance. The anabolic steroid makes muscles bigger and also stronger.

Although you may not add a crazy amount of 30 lbs of muscles as you can with Dianabol, all the gains that you would get from Turinabol would be lean and clean, unlike those of Dianabol that are made of water and give the “puffy muscles look”. Because of boosted protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, you would also notice that Tbol won’t allow you to lose your hard earned muscles.

  • Super Effective For The Cutting Cycles. As mentioned, Turinabol is capable to grow lean muscle mass and that’s why is sometimes used for bulking. But is used only in combination with other more effective bulking steroids for such purposes. Instead, this compound is one of the best that you can find for cutting cycles. That’s because oral Tbol is going to do a mind blowing job when talking about melting off fat of you that you inevitably gained when you were going through the bulking cycle (when adding muscles as much as possible).

Turinabol is boosting the fat burning processes and in the same time, is maintaining lean muscle mass. All of that because it offers the perfect anabolic environment in the time that is boosting your metabolism, making your body require more fuel and taking it from fat. Turinabol targets fat, boosts muscles and all of this makes you receive a lot much more energy. In the end – oral Tbol is perfect for cutting.

As a result of better metabolism rate from starting the Turinabol cycle, the body is going to demand more calories and therefore, it would burn them much faster. The body is going to be able to burn the fats faster, you would receive more energy and in the same time, you are going to be able to exercise harder and for longer periods. In the end, although Turinabol is mainly used for cutting, is still considered very versatile so it can be used for both bulking and cutting (not all steroids feature this benefit).

  • Doesn’t require injection being an orally active steroid. There are a lot of steroids that come only in form of injection and they cannot be used as tablets. That’s often seen as a drawback because people need to inject themselves often. That’s not a problem for Turinabol because is an orally active compound that comes as pills. Lots of people do not want to get injections and with Oral Tbol, they can easily administer it.

Turinabol Side Effects

As you already have noticed by reading through this Turinabol review, this anabolic steroid is milder compared to many other steroids and that’s why, the side effects are not as bad. This is considered a safer compound compared to most other steroids and that’s why, side effects is rarely a problem with Tbol.

Nonetheless, without a proper use or due to some already existent health problems or low tolerance, Turinabol is still going to offer some side effects.

Is very important to use Turinabol with precautions and to read the instructions very well before actually starting to use it. Do not think that Tbol is absolutely side effects free as that’s going to be a huge mistake.

Side effects from this compound might be less likely to occur, they might be less intense and you may not get them as much, but there are still possible side effects.

  • Make sure to have a proper use of the compound, otherwise, the side effects would become dangerous.
  • On the other hand, they are barely going to be a problem if the product is going to be administered as should.

It all very much depends on how exactly you are using oral Turinabol cycle but here are some of the most commonly reported and biggest side effects:

  • Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Negative Effects. As many other steroids, Turinabol is also increasing the risk of heart failure or other heart diseases, that’s why, in case you are suffering from heart diseases then is going to be a good idea to stay away from Tbol. The steroid may speed up the heart issues in case you add it to your already existent cardiovascular issues.

Oral Turinabol is known to have a negative impact on cholesterol values because it increases the LDL (bad) cholesterol numbers and in the same time, is decreasing the HDL (good) cholesterol numbers. This would lead to harder work on pushing oxygen and blood throughout your body. As a result, your heart may have to suffer and generally, your entire cardiovascular system. The side effect might not be as bad as with other steroids, but there’s still a risk.

  • Natural Testosterone Inhibition. That’s another side effect that all other steroids have including oral Tbol cycle too. Again, although Turinabol may not suppress testosterone as bad as other steroids, is still a side effect that should be taken in consideration because testosterone is, perhaps, the most important hormone for men. This is the reason why is so extremely important to follow a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan after each cycle with Tbol. Some people add testosterone based steroids during the Tbol cycle.

Is extremely important to stay away from low testosterone levels. Without enough testosterone, your body is going to get weaker, you would suffer from mental side effects, you would get fat, lose interest in sex and would overall feel bad and perform way worse. Generally, low testosterone levels may give you the exact opposite of what you were searching for when trying to use steroids.

  • Liver toxicity. As said, Oral Turinabol (Tbol) is coming in form of oral tablets and that’s why, in order to be effective, the compound is passing through the liver. The compound can survive your liver because is C17 alpha alkylated and this alkylation allows oral administration, but this is unhealthy for your liver because it can elevate liver enzymes. That’s a very common issue with almost all orally active steroids including Oral Tbol, but the good news is that is not as hepatotoxic as other steroids. This means that liver issues are still possible to occur, but they are less likely going to appear compared to other steroids.

Is extremely important to stay away from liver hepatotoxicity, otherwise it could lead to permanent damage of your liver, cirrhosis, liver cancer or liver failure. The increase in liver enzyme is what leads to such issues and although Turinabol doesn’t increase the liver enzymes as much as other steroids – too much dosage or too long cycle length is very capable to lead to such health issues.

In order to stay away from liver problems from oral Tbol cycle, we highly recommend you to keep your cycle length short, dosage low, make sure you don’t have already existent liver issues as well as to stay away from substances that can elevate liver enzymes even more and that’s including alcohol, OTC medications and various other substances.

In retrospective, you could add some liver protective compounds like for example supplements, medicines or various others. Some famous solutions to protect your liver during the orally active steroid cycle includes: Liver Stabil, Liv 52, Milk Thistle, N2Guard and many others.

Keep in mind that these are by far not the full list of possible negative side effects of Turinabol, but these are the side effects that you should pay most attention.

Turinabol Dosage | Tbol Dose

Turinabol (Tbol) with the active substance 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone is coming as oral tablets and the steroid should be administered on a daily basis. In fact, the compound is often administered twice a day in order to maintain even more stable blood levels despite the fact that it offers a pretty long half life for an orally active steroid of 16 hours.

  • The recommended dosage for men is anywhere between 30 mg up to about 80 mg daily with 50 mg a day being the most common dosage.
  • The recommended dosage for women is anywhere between 5 mg up to about 25 mg daily with about 10 mg a day being the most common dosage.

The cycle length greatly depends on various factors, pretty much as the dosage, but the cycles should be in the range of 4 and 8 weeks. Is highly recommended not to ever exceed the 8 weeks length and in fact, even this length can be too much for many people. That’s why, women rarely go over 4 weeks cycle length and men rarely go over 6 weeks.

When you are starting to use the compound for the first time, we highly recommend to start with the lower range. If you’re a man with about 20 mg-30 mg a day and women about 5 mg a day. This way, you allow your body to get accustomed to the compound and would reduce the risks of side effects.


The higher the dosage the higher the effectiveness of the compound, but also the higher would be the negative side effects. That’s why people tend to increase the dosage for gaining more potential and strength, however, lower dosage won’t be enough to offer good benefits. But on the other hand, high dosages increases risks of side effects.

  • Therefore, is highly recommended for you to slowly increase the dosage until you reach a perfect dosage for your needs, plus, slowly increasing the dosage allows your body to get used to the compound.

Turinabol has been found effective at strongly binding to SHBG which makes other steroids much more effective. This is the reason why oral Tbol cycle is always recommended to be stacked with other steroids – you would benefit from SHBG binding ability of steroid.

In the end, despite the fact that most people prefer dosages of 50 mg a day, the final dosage for you personally highly depends on your currently health, on your goals as well as other factors. For example, when Turinabol is used in bulking cycles then people use higher dosages than 50 mg a day, such as 80 mg a day. However, in cutting cycles, rarely anyone needs more than 50 mg a day.

Women usually receive all they need from dosages of 10-15 mg a day, rarely someone goes at 20 mg a day, but higher dosages are greatly increasing the risks of virilization (masculinization) side effects.

In the end, absolutely all cycles with Turinabol (for men) should be followed by a PCT plan, despite the fact that is considered a mild steroid. Is still suppressive to testosterone. This may lead to low testosterone condition.

Buy Tbol For Sale

Anyone who is searching for a real Turinabol compound that is containing actual 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone might use this source. They would get Turinabol for sale meaning that the anabolic steroid is going to be of an extremely low price.


Buy Turinabol here.

You could buy Tbol and get the best product for growing lean muscle mass and staying away from side effects. The compound creates the anabolic state for rapid strength and muscle gains in the time you lose fat and you have the chance to buy this compound for a very low price.

Our company is working only with reputable and GMP approved pharma companies meaning that when you buy Tbol, you get the highest quality product. In the same time, Turinabol for sale makes sure that you are going to get lowest price here. You may compare the prices with other places and you would notice how much you could save here at

HGH – Became Super Famous Super Fast


HGH which stands for Human Growth Hormone is a hormone that only by reading its name is quite obvious that is a famous one in the bodybuilding scene – obviously a hormone that helps you to GROW, is very important for bodybuilders and anyone who looks to pack on size and mass.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH), in fact, is a pretty new compound in the bodybuilding settings as it has appeared on the scene only in the last 30 years or so. That’s in the time that there are steroids that appeared 70 years ago. Despite the fact that is a fairly new drug, it became extremely popular.

It became super popular super fast and nowadays HGH has overshadowed almost any given steroid in popularity when talking about physique and performance enhancement. That’s because HGH is considered extremely helpful and in the same time, it remains pretty safe.

Alpha Pharma is a pharmaceutical company that is offering HGH (Human Growth Hormone) sold as ViteX of the best quality and some of the lowest price.


Buy HGH here.

According to people who already used HGH for physique and performance enhancement purposes, it can take your bodybuilding to a completely new level allowing even the huge guys, to get even bigger than they ever were before. This way, you don’t get jacked, you’re getting monstrously huge.

  • In fact, there are some critics saying that HGH has pretty much “sabotaged” the entire bodybuilding world, that’s because the nowadays IFBB pros are looking way too monstrous and they are way too huge – abnormally huge. That’s how big HGH can make you look.

But according to those critics, this HGH look is lacking the classic look of the classic bodybuilding back in the 70s in the gold days of old Arnie and Fraco.

Those guys offered the mind-blowing physical appearance of huge muscles and tiny waist and that’s something we do not see any more since HGH appeared on the scene, because it makes your waist grow huge too.

There are a lot of reviews about HGH in general, a lot of people reports and testimonials about this hormone. Lots of people all around the globe used the product and with a proper use, it does looks like Human Growth Hormone is amazing, nonetheless, it could be dangerous too.

In the end, in this HGH review, we would try to make you understand the most important effects of using HGH. There are pros and cons as you may get beneficial effects or negative ones, we would share them all.

The Pros of Using HGH

Is quite obvious that Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is having quite a lot of beneficial effects (Pros), otherwise it wouldn’t have been such famous. In fact, HGH – Vitex is having an enormous amount of positive effects and benefits in the human body.

The administration of this hormone is very likely to offer extremely big benefits whereas lacking this hormone a person is going to notice a lot of negative effects. We won’t write down a full list of positive effects of HGH because the list is very long, instead, we would offer the most common and biggest benefits of using this hormone and would explain them.

  • Immense Muscle Growth
  • Helps To Burn Fat
  • Amazing For Skin
  • Is Increasing Penis Size (Seriously)

Immense Muscle Growth

The biggest reason why HGH is so popular in bodybuilding settings is because it can offer you grow immense amounts of muscles. However, is very important for you to know that HGH should be taken in combination with insulin if you want to receive this benefit.

  • First off that’s because using it without insulin that’s going to increase the side effects risks (especially of getting diabetes) and secondly because taking it alone without insulin you won’t get as big gains in size.

The amount of muscle mass you might gain on the hormone greatly depends on various factors such as your size, age, gender and especially dosage, diet etc. HGH is administered anywhere between 2 and about 8-10 IU per day.


Anything under 5 IU daily is good for fat loss and a bit of muscle gains, but higher doses are considered extremely helpful for those who want to enhance the gains are grow muscles immensely. We recommend you to start slowly, with a low dosage and then slowly increase if you need and if you feel that you can tolerate a higher dosage.

Abuse of HGH is what leads to side effects – avoid at all costs.

Be sure that HGH (ViteX) is going to offer huge increases in muscle mass, it would help you reach new limits – even more muscles that you are genetically capable to get. After all, this is a growth hormone and is quite obvious that you would be able to hugely grow on it.

But don’t forget about the insulin. The reason why is so important for bodybuilders is because HGH is causing insulin resistance. Basically, this means that when you are going to get your protein shake with dextrose, the body is not going to normally react to it (exactly as to many other things) and therefore, you won’t get the “anabolic environment” as it should.

  • In short, your protein synthesis is going to be negative affected and this is going to have a very negative impact on your muscle building process.

Nonetheless, in case you would be using insulin alongside with HGH, then you would manage to fight off with the “insulin resistance”, recovering back to normal the protein synthesis offering the anabolic environment and also reducing the chances of receiving diabetes.

Helps To Burn Fat

Human Growth Hormone don’t only help you to grow muscles, but it helps to burn fat too, simultaneously. It doesn’t work the typical way as stimulant drugs do and that’s why is not considered to be as powerful and helpful for aiding fat loss processes as Clenbuterol or Anavar (Oxandrolone). Yet, it was still found helpful for reducing body fat and especially the fat around the belly and waist.

Several weeks of administering HGH is required in order to notice that your body fat percentage starts decreasing – expecting that you would get super shredded super fast on HGH would disappoint you.

In fact, you won’t be losing fat in case you are bulking, pretty much as with any other fat loss compound like Clen or Anavar.

HGH is helping to burn body fat very differently from all other fat loss compounds with a different mechanism of action. It helps boost the fat burning process through lipolysis. That’s the process where the body is starting to burn the stored fat to consume it for energy.

That’s another great benefit of HGH – boosted energy levels. Almost everyone who uses Human Growth Hormone reports getting more energy levels. People notice they are having more energy, more stamina, endurance and their focus throughout the day is better with better sleeping patterns too while on HGH.

Amazing For Skin

If you’re going to administer HGH (Vitex) then you can be sure that your skin condition is going to get improved. Human Growth Hormone is amazing for your skin, it would have great outcome.

HGH doesn’t only make you feel younger, but it makes you look younger too, that’s why it was named the “fountain of youth”.

HGH is even given in medical settings to elder people and that’s because it reverses the ageing processes. Therefore, as said, you won’t only feel much better with more energy, but you would look much better too, as your skin is going to be in a great condition.

HGH is known to increase the collagen production and that’s super important for your skin, that’s why your skin quality is going to dramatically improve overall – less wrinkles, much more elasticity of your skin, skin strength etc.

  • Greatly helping your skin condition – HGH would make the user look much more younger with a good youthful appearance.

And is not only the fact that your skin is going to look much better and you would feel somehow better. You’re overall going to feel younger, so young that there are many people who reported they sex life has significantly improved in the time of administering HGH.


There are reports that support the idea that HGH is going to be amazing for enhancing a man’s libido too, therefore a man is capable to get much frequent and much more erections (firmer) throughout the day, with a boost in libido and sex drive. It seems HGH is working in a similar way as higher testosterone levels when talking about the improvement in sexual life.

After all, there are good reasons why HGH is called “the fountain of youth”. But since we started to talk about sexual life;

Is Increasing Penis Size (Seriously)

HGH is seriously going to increase the size of the penis too, and that’s not a joke. Yes, that’s how amazing Human Growth Hormone can be – it makes your sexual life all better, makes you feel younger and plus, seriously grows your penis.

No, it’s not going to make it grow immensely overnight, so don’t expect any miracles, but you would still see some results when talking about it. The penis grows from using HGH – Vitex because the hormone is stimulating new tissue growth, and that’s including the penile tissues too.

There is a bit of soft tissue in your penis either, and that’s what makes it grow.

The reason why it helps you get better erections too is that HGH is known for boosting the blood flow. But the blood flow is what makes your penis erect. The more the blood is entering into your penis, the bigger and firmer the erection is going to be.

  • Then again, do not expect anything huge, users report getting approximately quarter up to about half an inch added to the penis and that’s not huge, but that’s pretty noticeable.

There are also soft tissues in your fingers as well, in your nose as well as skull – they would get bigger too.

HGH Cons

Taken in consideration that you are administering synthetic HGH (which is exactly the same as naturally occurring one), your body is going to get an overflow of this hormone and while it may offer various positive effects, there are negative effects too – HGH cons.

Usually, the side effects of HGH means that you are either too sensitive to the compound, or most often, there’s too much HGH in your body, meaning that you use way too much. Reducing the dosage is going to reduce the side effects.

These are not all the negative side effects of HGH – ViteX, but we would share only some of the most worrisome and shed a bit of light on them:

  • Aching Joints
  • Water Retention
  • Enlarged Organs

Aching Joints

As much as it looks like, a good amount of people report receiving aching joints side effects from administering HGH, therefore it does looks like painful/ aching joints is a pretty common negative effect.

This is, as mentioned, a side effect indicating that your body cannot tolerate as much HGH, but when bodybuilders need that dosage for growing muscles and they don’t want to reduce it (also, if they don’t have any other side effects), they are adding Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone) with HGH as that’s a steroid notorious for reducing the aching/ painful joints.

Therefore, a combination of Deca and HGH is very unlikely to offer this side effect.

Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) is the most famous and helpful steroid for such purposes. In fact, is used in medical settings (given as prescription drug by doctors) to patients who are suffering from joint issues to relieve their pains.

That’s one of the reason why a lot of bodybuilders use Deca – the steroid is pretty mild in terms of side effects, but is known to increase muscle and strength gains whilst increasing water retention around the joints – this is going to act as a cushion and relieve the aching/ pains because it decreases the wear and tear.

Water Retention

Despite the fact that HGH does help users to burn body fat, especially around the belly, is still a hormone that is going to cause water retention, pretty much as most bulking anabolic steroids.

In case you are searching for getting as ripped and shredded (dry look) as is possible, then HGH might not be the best compound that you can use for such goals. Is believed that some low dosages are going to be helpful for reducing body fat without increasing water retention, also along with a good cutting diet.

But taken in consideration that it does have this side effects, the fact that most people need HGH for bulking and they go through bulking cycles with it (bulking diets) and they need higher doses – HGH is mostly a bulking compound.

  • Although it does offer you water retention side effect, you definitely won’t retain as much fluid on HGH as for example you would on Anadrol (Oxymetholone).

Being worried about not getting too much water retention (excess of fluid) then you shouldn’t use too much dosage of HGH.

However, there are people reports suggesting that combining HGH with some steroids that are having diuretic properties which can make your water get flushed out (diuretic properties are those that help you flush out the water). Some examples of steroids that have such properties include:

  • Trenbolone – Parabolin by Alpha Pharma
  • Winstrol (Stanozolol) – Rexobol by Alpha Pharma
  • Anavar (Oxandrolone) – Oxanabol by Alpha Pharma

These are famous steroids for maintaining/ increasing muscle gains and accelerating fat loss processes including getting out the fluid retention from your body.

Enlarged Organs

Remember that Human Growth Hormone is a hormone that responds for the growth of your body, this includes your muscles, as said, your penis but all other organs too, it also includes the internal organs. That’s why, there’s a risk of enlarging your internal organs with HGH.

That’s one of the main reasons why is so important to stay away from overdoing it, unless you don’t care about how much your internal organs would grow.

Nonetheless, one of the main organs that most people seem to talk about when talking about the HGH is the intestine. The intestine seem to be the most sensitive to grow abnormally and the reason why it could grow too much on HGH is because the intestine is having a higher number of IGF-1 receptors than other organs.

Is a well known fact that when HGH and insulin are administered together, the IGF-1 receptors are being stimulated, and therefore they are promoting the growth of these cells. They are found in muscles, therefore your muscles grow, but they are also found in your intestine, so your intestine may grow too.


Good news is that in case you’re going to run HGH in low to moderate dosages, then is very unlikely you’re going to notice any growth in the gut region at all, normal dosages don’t really offer this side effect. A bit of growth is possible, but unnoticeable.

A high amount of HGH and also by taking the compound in very long cycles (which means several years or so) then you’re going to get the enlargement of your intestine which is called “the steroid gut” or also known as “HGH gut”. That’s when the person’s gut is abnormally big.

Once again, this compound can be administered being super effective for growing muscle mass without developing this side effect. That’s something to be worried only when you’re using way too high dosages and/ or for way too much time.

  • For example, there is the extremely famous bodybuilder Chul Soon that is thought to be administering HGH, nevertheless, he still manages to remain with an amazingly aesthetic physique without the “HGH gut”.

There also theories that there are many men’s physique competitors who are regularly using Human Growth Hormone too, nonetheless, as much as we can notice – they are still capable to maintain tiny waist, in the time they get amazing benefits.

That’s why we’re sure that the HGH dosage is essential for how your midsection is going to look.

Good examples of HGH gut are seen in Mr Olympia bodybuilders – those guys tend to become as big as possible (biggest guys on the planet) and they don’t really seem to care about the HGH gut. For example, you could check the physique of Phil Heath and Kai Greene.

Is likely you haven’t seen anyone bigger than them, but is very likely that they’ve been administering very high doses of HGH in combination with insulin – that’s how they became so huge, and that’s why they got the HGH Gut we’re talking about.

How Much Muscle Can You Build With HGH?

In order to build more muscles, you need higher dosages of HGH, but is not recommended to use high doses of HGH without insulin. There are still some people who gain a good amount of muscles without insulin, but they are on low dosages, and the gains are not comparable to those of high dosages with insulin.

As earlier mentioned – that’s going to offer the perfect anabolic environment allowing further growth.

But many people do not add insulin because of the aesthetic look. That’s why many people tend to take lower dosages. The combination of HGH with insulin is what would most likely give you the steroid gut.

Lately, it does seems like many bodybuilders want to avoid the protruding stomach side effect, that’s why they are avoiding the insulin with HGH – therefore they are not going to get the bloated look (at least lower chances).

Anyway, how much of gains you would make depends on various factors, as much as you can see. Dosage and adding or not insulin is just a few of them. Your workout routine, diet and other factors also come at play. That’s why we cannot offer an exact answer.

Nonetheless, there are people who reported using HGH for about a month and they managed to gain about 8 lbs of lean muscles. A cycle length of 2 months is likely to offer you around 12 lbs of lean muscles. But then again, some might gain more, others less than these numbers.

  • Nonetheless, judging only by the amount of weight you put is a mistake.

Remember that with HGH, you are going to build lean muscle mass but in the same time you’re capable to burn body fat too. With this being said, at the end of a HGH cycle you may not notice too much differences in the amount of weight, but you would see a huge difference in the way your body looks. That’s because you have more muscles and less fat, despite having around same weight.

That’s no wonder HGH is so famous – there are extremely few compounds out there having the potency of building muscles in the time of making you lose fat.

How Much Fat Can You Burn With HGH?

I have already mentioned the fact that HGH (ViteX) is not as powerful when it comes to burning body fat as Clenbuterol or Anavar (Oxandrolone) or Winstrol (Stanozolol) are.

Clenbuterol is a drug that is specifically used by bodybuilders for cutting and getting shredded. So goes for the Anavar and Winstrol steroids that are extremely famous for aiding fat loss processes and flushing out water retention.

HGH is not too often used for such purposes, however, a lot of people still notice huge differences in the fat amount when using it.

  • HGH seem to work in a similar way as Testosterone does, in the terms that it would do an amazing job for protecting your hard earned muscles, while you would lose a good amount of body fat when you are doing a lot of cardio and resistance based exercises with low calorie diets.

Human Growth Hormone is not a cutting compound, but using it by itself, people seem to report about 2% of body fat loss in a 4 weeks period and approximately 4% of body fat in twice as big period of 8 weeks.

But exactly as with muscle growth – that’s hugely depending on various factors like for example dosage, your size, body fat % that you start with, tolerance, your diet and exercise routine including many others.

With all of this being said, we definitely cannot call HGH to be the best product in existence that can help you burn body fat as there definitely seem to be better cutting products; nonetheless, Human Growth Hormone is still going to help you melt off some fat and get you looking leaner.

NOTE! Growth Hormone (GH) is not going to be very helpful if you’re already fat. Is definitely not the perfect compound for making you ripped. Nonetheless, HGH is perfect for those who are already lean enough – you should get shredded!

HGH Results – HGH Before and After

In the picture below we can see Sylvester Stallone – one the biggest names when talking about HGH use. He is believed to have used HGH and there seem to be some proves as back in the days, he was busted bringing HGH with him in Australia. His body composition proves it too; as much as we can see in the pic below, that’s a good example of someone using HGH.


Although the difference in time is huge here, we can see that his waist as noticeably grown and despite the fact that Sly reached his plateau from gains a very long time ago, and although he’s much older in the after pic meaning he’s having much less testosterone than in the before picture – he still seem to be bigger.

We can notice that Sly ha used HGH properly – his gut isn’t anything disgusting as we can notice on many different steroids and although he’s having a good amount of muscles added, there’s nothing huge.

That’s why, we can say that a proper use of HGH would result in aesthetic look without huge results, but good enough and noticeable.

That’s because the person on HGH is capable to reduce body fat, to increase the overall muscle tone and to get your physique overall much shredded with more muscles gains that you may be capable to achieve naturally, because HGH is believed to help you grow muscles over your genetic limits.

HGH is amazing when checking various other before and after pictures of people who had responsible use of the hormone. That’s why HGH results are considered insane. As earlier said, is one of the very few products in existence that can make you grow muscles whilst burning body fat.

That’s why there is not a big difference in weight, but a huge difference in the way you look.

Chul Soon Pictures – HGH?

Chul Soon got nicknamed Asian Arnold Schwarzenegger and that’s no wonder taken in consideration how he’s looking nowadays. Regardless if he has used steroids or not (but is hard to say that he hasn’t), is hard to disagree that this guy had one of the best transformation ever.

Here’s how Chul Soon was looking when he started lifting weights:


We can notice that he’s already ripped, with very visible muscles and an overall aesthetic guy. Obviously looking at that photo, we definitely cannot call him a bodybuilder or especially Arnold Schwarzenegger.

He’s still a good looking guy with visible muscles and we definitely can say that he’s been pumping some iron for at least a while, definitely not a gym newbie. Nonetheless, prepare yourself to see what this already shredded guy transformed into:


Is hard to disagree that the difference is huge. In fact, you could check more photos of this guy and you would notice that is hard to say he is natural. There are a lot of rumors suggesting that Chul Soon might have used testosterone for achieving his transformation and there’s also a high chance that he’s used Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) for achieving such a body transformation.

Nonetheless, there are also theories, which we do agree with, he has used some HGH too. Although the dosage he may have used wasn’t as high, there are still signs of HGH use (except for the signs of Deca – 3D looking deltoids) – his nose has grown quite significantly in size, something that we already discussed earlier.

As said, there are quite a lot of soft tissues in your nose, head, muscles, penis etc. and HGH is causing those tissues to grow – that’s why these are most susceptible organs for growing when administering HGH.

But we can notice another amazing benefit of using HGH from checking Chul Soon’s photos – a very positive effect on the skin appearance and health. Check how beautiful and glowing skin this guy has – that’s something HGH is going to greatly help you with since is known for greatly stimulating collagen synthesis.

That may not sound like a really big benefit, but people with acne definitely know what I’m talking about. A bad skin never looks good, and that’s even if you’re having an amazingly ripped body. It would be much better to have a glowing beautiful skin on a slightly less juiced body, than being all muscular and defined but with a bad skin tone.

How to Maximize Muscle Growth

Vitex HGH is an amazing compound that can greatly boost your muscle growth process, however, as said, there are various factors that come at play when talking about how much muscles you would be able to gain.

HGH is considered one of the most effective compounds for bulking, but there are various ways how you could increase the amount of muscles that you are capable to grow on it. For example, in case your main goal is to get as huge as possible for packing on impressive amounts of size, then HGH is going to offer even better results when is going to be stacked with bulking steroids.

There are many of them that are considered hugely beneficial for bulking cycles, regardless if you are searching for injectable or oral steroids. You could go for:

  • Dianabol (Methandienone) – Alphabol by Alpha Pharma
  • Anadrol (Oxymetholone) – Oxydrolone by Alpha Pharma
  • Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) – Nandrobolin by Alpha Pharma
  • Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) – Boldebolin by Alpha Pharma
  • Trenbolone – TrenaRapid by Alpha Pharma
  • Testosterone – Testocyp by Alpha Pharma

By combining any those steroids together with HGH then you will be able to get crazy results in terms of muscle growth. That’s what most professionals choose to do. In fact, there are those that stack 2 or more steroids (from the list above) together with HGH for even more gains.

How much it could help? Check Chul Soon.

As said, he’s likely to have used HGH alongside with Deca and with Testosterone. Just look how ripped this guy ended up.

How to Maximize Fat Burn

In case you’re using HGH and having the main goal to burn body fat whilst getting as lean as possible with an shredded physical appearance then you should know that you are going to get better results by combining HGH alongside with other cutting steroids or products. As said, HGH is not the best for such purposes, but is still helpful.

Dosage and your diet are also going to play a role. Usually, dosages for getting shredded and losing fat are much lower compared to those required to pack on a good amount of size. In the end, HGH alongside with other cutting compounds would offer crazy results, here are some of them:

  • Winstrol (Stanozolol) – Rexobol by Alpha Pharma
  • Anavar (Oxandrolone) – Oxanobol by Alpha Pharma
  • Clenbuterol – Astralean by Alpha Pharma
  • Trenbolone – TrenaRapid by Alpha Pharma

These compounds are the most famous and widely used in cutting cycles, that’s why they are often seen as the best products that you can find for getting an amazingly shredded physique.

In addition to that, Winstrol as well as Trenbolone (and only slightly Anavar) has muscle building properties. Exactly as HGH has. Therefore, while such a stack is going to be super effective at burning body fat, is also going to be amazing for adding some lean muscle mass too. Therefore, you would get amazing physical appearance with less fat covering your muscles, and more muscles, which are going to be more defined.

HGH Review Conclusion

HGH is one of the most popular compounds on the bodybuilding stage nowadays despite the fact that is one of the newest discovered. The compound has growth really fast in popularity because is a compound that can make your muscles grow immensely.

Mass monsters (IFBB Pros) often resort to HGH as is an extremely important steroid for their needs when talking about getting physical appearance (growing huge amounts of muscles) to the next level.

HGH is believed to have greatly grown in popularity after Dorian Yates has taken the muscle mass game to a whole new level when talking about the bodybuilding back in 1980s.

HGH is very universal as it can be used in bulking and cutting cycles and it can be stacked (taken in combination) with many different steroids and compounds either for bulking and for cutting. That’s because Human Growth Hormone can greatly help you burn body fat and in the same time – to help you gain muscle mass.

vitex Buy Human Growth Hormone here.

However, is very important to mention that HGH ViteX, although not having too dangerous or too much side effects and they are very closely related to the dosage, this is one of the worst steroid to abuse if you want to look aesthetic. HGH gut is one of the worst side effect, and although not dangerous (generally) is not looking good (making you look pregnant).

In the end, HGH can have a really good impact on your body appearance, it can allow you to grow muscles in the time you lose body fat and you can do it without growing your belly in case you would use it responsibly.

However, is very important for you to know: you should find a real and high quality HGH. Unfortunately, there seem to float a lot of fakes/ low quality HGH products that won’t work as expected, even when used properly.

Other than that, HGH might be one expensive product and that’s one of the problems with Human Growth Hormone.

  • Luckily, you are capable to find authentic and real HGH for sale of the highest quality at

By using to get ViteX, you are capable to get the best results from HGH as you get the amazing compound for bodybuilding purposes for the lowest prices. We hope that this HGH review was informative and helps you decide whether or not you need HGH and what you can expect from it.

Most Important Info About Trenbolone Here


Trenbolone is a steroid, which you may have often heard about if you’ve ever been doing research about effective compounds for physique and performance enhancement purposes or about bodybuilders using steroids for such needs. That’s because Trenbolone (often shortly called Tren), is often considered as the most powerful anabolic steroid that you would ever find.

Trenbolone (Tren) is such a powerful steroid that is often called by many people “king of steroids”. Its huge potency and abilities makes it a truly unique steroid when talking about enhancement of muscle strength and increasing the muscle mass gains in the same time the user is able to burn fat and to increase the levels of physical performance as well as improve physical appearance.

What is Trenbolone?

Trenbolone is an extremely powerful steroid that was discovered many years ago and was used in animals. It was used for humans for medical purposes but then it got quickly discontinued because people had side effects. Nowadays, Trenbolone is still used in cattle – it makes cows grow muscle mass and much as possible and is still very famous in bodybuilding world.


Buy Trenbolone here.

That’s because there are barely other steroids that stand near the potency and power of Tren when talking about physique and performance enhancement. People who would use Trenbolone can easily expect getting the following beneficial effects:

  • Quickly and Hugely Increasing Quality Lean Muscles Gains
  • Enormously Boosting the Strength Levels
  • Overall Offers Very Fast Results
  • Offers Crazy Muscle Hardening Effects
  • Enhances Fat Loss Processes
  • Performance and Physique are Boosted
  • Tren can be Used for Both Bulking and Cutting Cycles

Trenbolone is very unique and very powerful as well as very versatile. This compound is so powerful that is not recommended for beginners and for women, however more advanced users and professionals would really appreciate the effects of Trenbolone that can be added in either bulking or cutting cycles – depending on your needs.

Being such a powerful steroid (one of the strongest you can find) for building lean muscle mass and strength, not only bodybuilders but many other athletes such as powerlifters and other sportsmen use Trenbolone with high success rate for helping them to boost physical performance.

The only problem with Trenbolone is the side effects. Being so powerful and effective, is also reported to be a steroid with some of the nastiest side effects too. It doesn’t mean that the side effects cannot be controlled or avoided, but it means that using Tren requires special care and you need to be careful.

But it also means that even at the lower dosages – Trenbolone remains highly effective. It has a huge anabolic to androgenic activity whilst it cannot aromatize and therefore no estrogenic activity. That’s one of the reasons why it can be used for cutting too.

But since it has anabolic to androgenic ratio of 500:500, while the testosterone’s is 100:100, we can easily say that Trenbolone is 5 times more potent than testosterone.

Trenbolone Benefits and Results

This anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS) is so powerful and has so many benefits with users getting so many results that I don’t even know where to start. I mean, it would help so much with so many things that is impossible for you not to notice its effectiveness.

Trenbolone must be used properly, as mentioned, the side effects can be bad if not. However, with a proper use – the steroid is going to change your physique completely with mind blowing results in terms of performance too.

In the end, a product doesn’t end up being as popular as Trenbolone is when is not really helpful. Tren, on the other hand, highly helps you with various different things and below you would find some of them that you can expect.


The first thing that I need to mention here is the huge increase in lean muscle mass that you would get when using Trenbolone. And is not going to be the type of muscles that you would get from Anadrol, for example, which is puffy muscles with water retention. Trenbolone offers quality and super lean muscles without puffiness.

  • We all know that this is something extremely hard to do naturally, you either add muscles with fat / water, or you lose fat / water with muscles. That’s completely different when using Trenbolone. You gain only clean muscles and you gain them really fast and efficiently. The first benefits and results would be noticed in the first days / week of using the product, but at the end of the cycle you would be shocked with how much you managed to pack on.
  • Except for gaining a lot of lean muscle mass, you would also notice huge increases in power and strength. That’s mainly because of its ridiculously high androgenic activity. Because of it – the strength levels are going to go over the roof. There are people’s reports saying that they noticed total weight increase to about 10%, others report even more results with increases in their maximum lifts to 15%-20% or more.

Because of the fact that Tren is so “magical” for boosting strength levels, it ended up one of the most favorite products of powerlifters and strength lifters.

Another thing that should be mentioned here is the fact that you would start noticing muscle hardening effects when using Trenbolone and you would see them within the several days of running it.

Users report that their muscles look fuller and bigger, they seem to be harder and with more density. As a result, you would get a much better physical appearance with increased vascularity and harder muscles that look better overall. That’s because they would get and they would appear fuller and overall bigger.

Another very important thing that should be mentioned here is the fact that Trenbolone helps to boost the fat loss processes. Tren does burn fat but in the same time – it maintains the muscle mass you’ve gained. In fact, being such a powerful steroid, some people report losing body fat in the time they manage to gain some quality muscles.

This is just super advantageous for those people who really want to cut down and get lean and shredded. We all know that this is something very hard when you’re cutting to keep your muscles. The caloric insufficiency needed often leads to muscle loss alongside with body fat. But that’s not going to happen with Trenbolone.

This is one of the best things you can find for maintaining your muscles while cutting down and as mentioned, it sometimes can even help to burn fat and add muscles – that’s something that sounds nearly impossible but can be possible with Tren.

There are many other benefits that Trenbolone is offering and in fact, the list is too long to mention all of them here. However, we can’t continue further without mentioning about one more point – the boosted recovery processes. The enhanced recovery is something extremely important for anyone who is working out and trying to improve physique and performance – Trenbolone is just amazing at speeding up the recovery.

Tren is going to be super helpful at healing your muscles much faster and much efficiently which would allow them to grow even faster and more. This muscle repair processes is going to help you to be ready for your next workout much sooner than you naturally are.

Also, the more efficient recovery makes sure that you grow muscles faster since the muscles are getting repaired much faster, allowing them to grow more and in fact, Trenbolone helps to grow even the undamaged muscles near those that were damaged whilst working out.


Taking in consideration that Trenbolone can be extremely effective at both bulking and cutting cycles, is often stacked with both bulking or cutting steroids, depending on what exactly you expect from using it.

  • If you want to go through the ultimate cutting cycle that allows you to get super shredded then Trenbolone should be stacked with Winstrol, Anavar, Testosterone and you get crazy results.
  • However, by adding Trenbolone with Dianabol, Anadrol, Deca Durabolin or others in this matter – you would go through one of the most helpful with most results during a bulking cycle.

Once again, there’s a lot that can be mentioned when talking about Trenbolone benefits but not all is said here. For example, it works in a similar way as HGH, it increases IGF-1 levels, boosts protein synthesis, nitrogen retention and so on and so forth. But as all other AAS – works best when stacked with other steroids.

Trenbolone Experiences

A lot of people are wondering whether they should start with a Trenbolone cycle or not taken in consideration that Trenbolone is often considered a steroid with some of the nastiest side effects.

It depends on some factors. In most cases it may be worth it. You may not want to start with it only if you’re having some underlying health issues, you’re not working out and dieting as you should, you don’t know how to use Trenbolone, you are new to steroids or you’re not interested in gaining muscle mass and strength as fast and possible and as much as possible.


Those that learn, want to improve physique and performance and want to go achieve new levels – Trenbolone is perfect for them.

What about the side effects?

Learn how to control them, learn how to use Trenbolone in a safe manner – this way you would get maximum benefits with little to no side effects at all. Indeed there are possible side effects such as acne, liver toxicity and others and that’s why many people resort to natural products, to dietary supplements.

While that’s a good thing to add to your cycle, they are nothing in comparison with such a powerful steroid as Trenbolone. You just can’t put a supplement or natural compound next to Trenbolone when talking about potency, abilities, benefits and results for physique and performance enhancement purposes.

  • You can get super helpful and effective cycle with Trenbolone, it depends on how you use it and some other factors. You can enhance performance and use it with great success for cutting or bulking depending on your needs. There are multiple reports of many people using it for multiple purposes and they reported getting huge results.

You also can get amazing results and effectiveness from using Tren, and for receiving such experience – learn as much as you can about it.

According to people’s results, one cycle with Trenbolone allowed them to gain at least 15 lbs of pure muscles, quality and lean muscle mass without water retention that lasts. But customers may add even more if adding with bulking steroids like for example Anadrol, Dianabol, Deca Durabolin and others.

Trenbolone is also working very fast, it builds up in the system fast and therefore you start feeling it in a matter of some days. It also depends on the esterified Trenbolone since there are 3 of them, but the most popular and seemingly the most helpful is the shortest one which kicks in fastest – Trenbolone Acetate with half life of 3 days. Alpha Pharma sells it as brand TrenaRapid.

There’s also Trenbolone Enanthate (sold as Trenbolin by Alpha Pharma) with half life of about 5-7 days and Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Tren Hexa sold as Parabolin by Alpha Pharma) with half life of about 10 days or so. But then again, the most famous and widely used one is Trenbolone Acetate (TrenaRapid sold by Alpha Pharma).


Buy Trenbolone here.

So, by using it a few days, you would start noticing that you are able to lift much more and you are going to recover much faster too.

While using Trenbolone, everyone reported that in the gym, they are capable to push more weight and they are capable to go for more reps due to more strength and less fatigue. You are increasing strength levels in the time that you’re increasing the physical appearance too.

  • But then again, Trenbolone is recommended to be administered only when you’re having months of gym experience and is not recommended to be the first steroid you start. The steroid might be way too powerful, that’s why is recommended only to those people who already have experience with it.

So, use Trenbolone only after having experience working out and dieting and when having experiences with other steroids. Also, is recommended to start slowly and increase the dosage slowly as you feel that you need and can tolerate more.

Trenbolone Administration

You should know that there is no oral form of Trenbolone. Anyone claiming that they have/ use etc. an oral Trenbolone – that’s fake. There are 3 esterified forms of Trenbolone and they are all coming as oil solution meant to be administered intramuscularly via injection.

The frequency of administration depends on the ester. 1 time per day – Trenbolone Acetate (TrenaRapid) which is most famous and widely used. 2 times a week – Trenbolone Enanthate (Trenbolin) and once per week Trenbolone Hexa (Parabolin).


Buy Trenbolone here.

Regardless of the ester, all Trenbolone forms are administered in the same dosage per week which shouldn’t ever exceed 700 mg per week under no circumstances.

In fact, 700 mg per week is meant for professionals, whilst higher dosages are dangerous. Advanced users are taking it in the range of 350-550 mg per week but beginners should start with 150 – 350 mg per week.

Trenbolone is so powerful that is believed that a dosage of 150-200 mg per week is enough to offer dramatic results. That’s why doses of 550 mg per week up to 700 mg per week is recommended only to professionals while higher doses are dangerous.

  • By using Trenbolone Acetate (Trena Rapid), split the total weekly dosage in 7 even doses to administer every day. Cycle length also depends on the ester, but most commonly is in the range of 8 up to about 12 weeks or so.

Start slowly and increase only when needed. Never abuse it. Never exceed dosage limit and cycle length – this is the best thing you can do to avoid negative side effects.

Is also very important to use cycle supporting supplements and products to keep you healthy and protect your organs, staying away from side effects, as well as to run a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan after each cycle with steroids.

Trenbolone Stacks

As mentioned, Trenbolone is working great by itself, however, in order to highly increase the effectiveness and also to reduce some of the possible side effects, stacking it with other steroids would help. Reducing the side effects mainly occurs when stacking it with some form of Testosterone, that’s why this hormone is stacked with almost all steroids.


Buy Trenbolone here.

As a result Trenbolone with Testosterone is something extremely common, but one of the most popular stacks with Trenbolone and other steroids during a bulking cycle is Trenbolone with Dianabol. This combination is going to let you go through an extremely helpful bulking cycle allowing you to get super big and extremely powerful.

Nonetheless, there are other stacks made of Trenbolone and multiple other steroids. Those stacks are going to make sure that your muscle growth and performance enhancement progress is going to reach its peak limits. With ultimate stacks, you can boost your progress to mind blowing results. Your body would look amazing at the end of the cycle, completely changed. Such a cycle can transform you from a simple gym guy to a bodybuilder in a matter of a few weeks.

  • Is important to remember that such stacks are only recommended to professionals because they are very strong – it even contains HGH which helps you grow like crazy.

Make sure to learn about it as much as possible, only this way you would ensure that you have extremely effective results with low side effects.

Trenbolone Side Effects

As mentioned, Trenbolone is an extremely powerful steroid and therefore, side effects are quite possible with such steroids. When is not used properly, it may be the steroid with the nastiest side effects. That’s quite obvious taking in consideration that most steroids are recommended to be administered at least 500 mg per week, whilst 500 mg per week of Trenbolone is only tolerated by professionals.

Tren has no estrogenic activity, therefore no estrogen based side effects would occur. Liver toxicity is possible but unlikely taken in consideration that it comes only as injection.

Instead, Trenbolone is having a huge androgenic activity, that’s why virilizing side effects for women are extremely possible (therefore women are not recommended Tren at all) and androgen related ones for men too like:

  • Acne
  • Hair loss
  • Aggression
  • Abnormal hair growth on face and body
  • Oily skin and others.

Other than that, some other possible negative side effects associated with the use of Trenbolone include:

  • Decreased resistance to cardio exercises
  • Night sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Dark colored urine
  • Tren Cough (shortness of breath for a few minutes after administering the steroid)
  • And there are some others too.

These are not all the possible side effects but these are some that are most possible alongside with Testosterone suppression, which is specific to all steroids. That’s why is so important to run a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) at the end of all cycles with steroids. Running ancillaries in the time you run a steroid is going to be helpful too as it would make you stay away from side effect.

The Final Trenbolone Verdict

Trenbolone is a unique steroid and often referred as the most powerful steroid that you are able to find. You may be scared to hear that Trenbolone is also one of the nastiest in terms of side effects, but that’s obvious when is such a powerful one. Use to buy Trenbolone for sale.

There are barely any other steroids to compare with the potency with Tren and this ensures that there’s barely anything else that can make you pack on lean muscle mass as much as Trenbolone does.

It helps you with both bulking and cutting cycles but make sure to learn how to use it properly.

Is also super important to learn where to buy Trenbolone for sale. You need to get real thing. By getting a fake compound you can’t expect same results. That’s why use the recommended sources for steroids online where you can buy highest quality real Trenbolone for the lowest prices you can find online, like for example Buy it as the brand Androxine, Parabolin, Trenbolin or TrenaRapid for the best Trenbolone products.

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